I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 241 ]<br />

t\e next Day I found I had a TenefT»us on me, which<br />

daily encreafing, I was obliged to return to England ;<br />

my fudden Return very much furprized all my Friends,<br />

who had been advifed of my Intent. I was now per-<br />

fwaded by my Friends to fettle at Bmtino-ford in Hert-<br />

fordjhire, there being a Vacancy by the Death of an old<br />

Praftitioner ; accordingly I went, but did not find that<br />

Profpeft of Bufmefs that was reprefented to me, but<br />

about three Miles diftant, at a little Village called Bra-<br />

fin, I found my Expedations might be anfwered, pro-<br />

vided my Mother-in-law had made good her Promife,<br />

of fupplying me with what Money I wanted, ihe had<br />

order'd me to take a Houfe, which was then to be let<br />

near the Church, that fhe might come and join Family<br />

with me ; accordingly I took the Houfe, and lett the<br />

Land thereunto belonging, and took Earneil: in her<br />

Name; the Leafes were drawn, and I only waited for<br />

the Parties figning, which was to have been in a very<br />

few Days j but in the mean while my Mother's Mind<br />

altered, and (he would neither fign the Leafes, or let me<br />

have any Money, which oblig'd me to leave the Place<br />

in a fcandalous manner.<br />

As this Affair had abfolutely ruin'd my Charafter<br />

there, which I look'd upon as my laft Stake, I was<br />

ftrangely confufed to know what Courfe to take to fup-<br />

port myfelf in this Extremity ; at length I refolv'd on<br />

the unhappy Method I have fince prattifed ; but as I<br />

was entirely a Stranger to fuch Proceedings, I was non-<br />

plufed how to make a Beginning with Safety, but Ne-<br />

ceffity foon over-ruled the trifling Objeaions which a-<br />

rofe ; accordingly having furnilh'd myfelf with a Brace<br />

of Piftols, and hired a Horfe that I could pretty well<br />

depend on, I fet out for Finchley-Common, but having<br />

rode feveral Hours to no Purpofe, began to defpair of<br />

doing any Thing that Time ; therefore I made away for<br />

Endfeld-Chace, to pay a Vifit to Brigadier F /<br />

where I flayed till Evening, in Hopes I ihould not fail<br />

of fomethmg before I reach'd London, and on taking<br />

iny Leave I thought it might not be improper to ride<br />


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