I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ ^^5 ]<br />

thing, I eat what I car'd for, and then loading myfelf<br />

with Macaroons, Heart Cakes, (sfe. and feven or eigth<br />

Pots of Portugal Snuff and feme Books, I came awayvery<br />

heavy for having been fo difappointed.<br />

And in a Day or two I went again to the Shop, and •<br />

they were then talking of it, and the Woman of the<br />

Iloufe had a Perfon lodg'd with her who pulled out a<br />

Gold repeating Watch, and faid, / fuppofe they came to<br />

feek for this, but ^tis not e-very Key vjillofen the Lock of<br />

my Dra-ivers; I thought with myfelf I wou'd have a<br />

Trial if that were in her Drawers, whether the Locks<br />

wou'd keep me out, 1 knowing where the Drawers<br />

flood, fo that Night I mounted up my fcaling Ladder<br />

again, and opening the Window Shutter, I heard a<br />

treading of ons; without Shoes, and fometbir.g kick a-<br />

gainft a Basket or Hamper, which I rememb'red flood<br />

in the Room, upon which I jump'd over the Balconies<br />

and {lid down the Iron, with as much Agility as ever<br />

a Tumbler in Barthohme-'w-Fair cou'd down a Rope ;<br />

but before I was well down I could fee a Man in his<br />

Shirt, who called out very loudly, Stop hum ! Stop him !<br />

but the Night being very dark, and I being well drefl'ed<br />

in a dark colour'd Suit, and feeing no body near me ia<br />

the Street, 1 walk'd very foberly away, as knowing he •<br />

. could not fee me, and fo went off clear.<br />

Being difappointed here I went into the Fields, and<br />

in a melancholy Mood I fat down under a Hay Rick,<br />

and after having tir'd myfelf with reflefting upon my<br />

prefent Way of Life, I fell into a kind of Slumber, and<br />

as I lay there, methought fomebody faid to me, Run,<br />

run, fly for your Life, for you are furfued, if you are<br />

taken you luillbe hanged; upon which I flarted up, and<br />

the Terror of Mind 1 was under at that Time had fuch<br />

an Effedl upon me, that great Drops of Sweat flood upon<br />

my Face, but looking round me, and feeing no bodynear<br />

me, I pleafed myfelf very much to find it was<br />

bui- a Dream, and fo lay down again to fleep, and<br />

dream'd that a Man came to me and faid. Ton oung Man<br />

ym mufi go away from hence, for if. J Jhonld fiijfer you<br />

VOL. II M /*<br />

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