I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 278 ]<br />

where I had feen my Landlady put feme Linnen, I went<br />

Home, and opening it with an old Nail which I found<br />

in the Chimney, I took out two Shirts of my Land-<br />

lord's and a Prayer-Book, which I pawn'd for 5 j. 6d.<br />

and return'd to my Company, paffing that Evening with<br />

a great deal of Pleafure and Satisfaftion ; and about<br />

twelve that Night I return'd Home with a light Heart,<br />

not dreaming they had miffed the Linnen, my Defign<br />

being to have put it in its Place again at the AVeek's<br />

End ; for I had hired myfelf to a Smifi^ Shop in Feter-<br />

Jireet by Clare-Market, to go to Work the next Morn-<br />

ing.<br />

Being one Night happy in the Company of one I<br />

lov'd, the next Morning I was ftopt, and charged by<br />

my Landlady and her Hulband with robbing my Lodg-<br />

ing ; however I made that up eafily, for I went with<br />

them to the Paivn-brokers, and they paying the Money<br />

for them, took them Home with them, and I left my<br />

Hat and a Flute, and what other Things I had there,<br />

till I Ihould come and repay them. But not knowing<br />

how I (hould get Money to do it, I ruminated on fe-<br />

veral Projefts; but at laft concluded to re-vifit the Cof-<br />

fee-Houfe in Chancery-Lane, where I had been about<br />

two Years before, which I executed that Night, by go-<br />

ing down the Area, and finding the Kitchen Window<br />

open, I enter'd, and took away as many Things as I<br />

pawn'd for near 30 s. and had done more Mifchief, had<br />

I not been difturb'd by a Maid Servant, who came down<br />

and oblJg'd me to make my Exit the fame Way I en-<br />

ter'd, and with more Percipitation. However I got<br />

away without being flop'd, altho' I was feen by her<br />

and another Perfon, who was a Servant in the Neigh-<br />

bourhood. But hov/ever, as foon as People were up I<br />

went and difpofed of the Things, fo paid my Landlady,<br />

and had my Things again.<br />

And now being deftitute of a Lodging, I ufed to<br />

go about like a Wolf feeking for Prey, and my Cloaths<br />

being in Pawn, I look'd juft like (what I now to my<br />

unfpeakable Sorrow am) a Neivgate Bird, having an old<br />

Black Coat on, a foul Shirt, and a fouler Heart.<br />


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