I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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L 153 1<br />

to make the beft of his Way for the Ifland of Eda, to<br />

plunder the Houfe of Mr. Fea, a Gentleman of a con-<br />

siderable Eftate, and who Goiu had feme Acquaintance<br />

with, having been at School together when they were<br />

Youths,<br />

•It feems Goro's Reafon for refolving to attack this<br />

Gentleman, who was his old Acquaintance, was, that<br />

he thought the Alarm given at Carriftoun would neceffk-<br />

rily draw the Gentlemen, and the beil of their Forces<br />

that Way ; which Guefs was far from being improba-<br />

ble, for juft fo it was, only with Refpedl to Mr. Fea,<br />

who having had the Alarm with the reft, yet ftay'd at<br />

Home on a particular Occafion, his Wife being at that<br />

Time very much indifpofed.<br />

It is to be obferv'd here, that Carriftoun and F.da lie<br />

with Refpeft to each other, N. E. and S. W. and the<br />

Bodies of the chief Iflands lie between them.<br />

On the 13 th oi February in the Morning, Go^w ap-<br />

pearing with his Ship off of the Ifland, call'd Calffound,<br />

Mr. Fea and his Family were very much alarm'd, not<br />

being able to get together above fix or feven Men for<br />

his Defence ; he therefore wrote a Letter to Goxu, in-<br />

tending to fend it on Board as foon as he could get into<br />

the Harbour, to defire him to forbear the ufuai Salutei<br />

with his great Guns, becaufe Mrs. Fea his Wife was fo<br />

very much indifpofed ; and this as he would oblige his<br />

old School-fellow, telling him at the fame Time, that<br />

the Inhabitants were all fled to the Mountains, on the<br />

Report of his being a Pyrate, wliich he hoped would<br />

not prove true ; in which Cafe, he ftiould be very ready<br />

to fupply him with all fuch Neceflaries as the Ifland<br />

would aiford, defiring him to fend the Meffenger fafe<br />

back, at whofe Return the Alarms of the People would<br />

immediately be at an End.<br />

The 1 ide it feems runs extreamly rapid among thofe<br />

Iflands, and the Navigation is thereby rendered very<br />

dangerous and uncertain : GO^M was an able Seamen,<br />

but he was no Pilot for that Place, and which was<br />

worfe, he had no Boat to affift in cafe of Extremityi<br />

G 5 to

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