I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 355 ]<br />

Houfe, they got to the Side of a Lane near it, waiting<br />

foe an Opportunity, and with that View tied their<br />

Horfes amongft fome Furze Bufhes, and concealed<br />

themfelves under them, intending to have furprized<br />

fomebody pafling by that Way, and to have obliged<br />

them to have ihewn them the Way to the Door ; but<br />

while they were thus lying purdue there, they heard<br />

feveral Perfons riding along together, which happened<br />

to be fome of the neighbouring Farmers, who had been<br />

at the Juftices, and over-hearing their Difcourfe, fup-<br />

pofed the Jullice had other Company flill remaining in<br />

Jiis Houfe, they did not think it advifeable to attempt<br />

it at that Time, therefore adjourned their Delign, which<br />

fo far proved of Advantage to them, that it prevented<br />

their being then taken, which otherwife they could hard-<br />

ly have avoided, by Reafon they having been obferved<br />

in the Neighbourhood, were fuipefted to be Smagkrs;<br />

and Information had been given to tlie Cujiom-Houfe,<br />

.and other Officers thereabouts; and a Party of Dra-<br />

goons were out in Search for them, whom they met,<br />

but not having any Thing with them, they fufFered<br />

them to pafs; whereas if they had committed the Rob-<br />

bery which they intended, and been ilopp'd by the<br />

Soldiers, the Goods upon Search would have been<br />

found upon them, and tho' they might have been only<br />

ftopp'd on Sufpicion of being Smuglers, they would<br />

thereby be difcovered to have been Houfe-breakers, and<br />

committed accordingly.<br />

On ^uefday the 11 th of February, Wheeler, Fielding,<br />

Schooling, and others of the Gang, had made an Ap-<br />

pointment to meet at a Publick Houfe in King-ftreei,<br />

Holbourn, with an Intent to go to Neiuberry in Berk-<br />

jhire, upon Information given them by a Woman who<br />

kept Company with one of them, and who was very<br />

affiduous and induftrious in her Perfuafions and Affiltance<br />

to them in going upon fuch Exploits, and who had<br />

fucn Knowledge of the Perfon at Nevjberry, who they<br />

intended to vifit in the unwarrantable Method they had<br />

done others before. While they were waiting there.<br />


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