I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 309 ]<br />

It happen'dat an Inn in the City of Exeter, that a-<br />

mixed Company, in which IVIr. Gordon made one, was<br />

got into an ordinaiy Strain of Country Converfation,<br />

•viz.. Robberies, Setts on the Road,,and,fuch like, many<br />

Stories were related by the feveral Parties prefent, and<br />

among the reft a jolly Farmer obferv'd, that it was ra-<br />

ther Cowardice in tliofe who were attacked than any<br />

Courage in Highwaymen, that made fuch IMultitudcs<br />

lofe their Money. 1 was never (fays he) attack'd but<br />

once in my Life, and then I got the better of the High-<br />

wayman, and forc'd him to iheer oiF without his Booty,<br />

and could do fo again if a Chance Ihould happen; I<br />

warrant my Money fafe enough vi-ith only this Oaken<br />

Cudgel in my Hand, in fpitc of the brifkeft Highway-<br />

man in England. The Company were diverted, but<br />

however Mr. Gordon was piqn'd, and therefore could<br />

not help putting in a Word, Sir, (quoth he to the Far-<br />

mer) notxijithfianding all you ha've been faying, many<br />

brave Men ha've been robbii. Not one, (reply'd the Far-<br />

mer) I defy the fiouteji of them, and luould be glxd to<br />

meet the b eft of them in a proper Place. Would you fo,<br />

fays Mr. Gordon, Well I.proteft you re a Man of MettJtt<br />

yet Iivifhyou get fafe Home ^without meeting a CoUeSlor,<br />

By t

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