I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 333 1<br />

St. fames'i-Square, and broke into the fame thro' tlie<br />

Pantry Window,- we heard the Servants all drinking<br />

nlwve Stairs, and were alfo furpriz'd by a Watchman,<br />

fo that we were oblig'd to get off as faft as we could_,<br />

however we brought away as much Plate as we fold for<br />

- Ihis Praftice I follow'd for fometin^, in Company<br />

with one Stone, who afterwards being taken up on Sa-<br />

iyicion of Coining, to five himfelf he impeached rhe,<br />

a*ad I was taken on his Information in Pkmblree-finet<br />

in St. Gi/a's, but whiUl 1 was in Cuftody upon that<br />

Account, Stone who was intended for an Evidence againft<br />

me, made his Efcipc out of the Hands of the Mcflen-<br />

gcr, in whofo Cuilody he had been coi^n'd'; but being<br />

afterwards re-taken, I was admitted an Evidep.ce againit<br />

him, and-he was tried, convifted, and executed for the<br />

fame ¥a& for which he had impeach'd me, and f after<br />

fome Time obtained my Liberty.<br />

Many Crimes of various Natures I committed, but<br />

was at length taken, conviilcd, and tranfported ; but<br />

after my Return fell to my old Method of Bufmefs,<br />

wliich I pradifed as formerly ; and about three Years<br />

fmce being acquainted with one Roden, (the fame Perfon<br />

who was impeach'd by Wheeler, then in Neiv-Prifo^,<br />

as an Accomplice with fielder, Bvjij, Rafe, and Walker,<br />

then under Sentence, for the Robbery committed at £%-<br />

mjare and AJarybotie) I in Company with the faid Rvden,<br />

-engag'd in my former Praftice of Coining; but I being<br />

taken up about two Years after for patting off bad<br />

Money, and charg'd on Sufpicion of Coining, to fave<br />

niyfelf I impeach'd Roden, and he was taken, commit-<br />

ted, and profecuted at Kingftcn on my Evidence j but<br />

that not being fufScient, he was acquitted.<br />

Befides the Fafts before-mention'd to have been coffi-<br />

mitted by myfelf, and others in Company with me,<br />

(which are only a fmali Number in proportion) I have<br />

jingly committed many others of different Natures and<br />

Kinds, and .particularly one Evening as I was going<br />

ever Linculrii-hn-fisid:, I pafiedby a Gentleman wliom<br />

iiliw J. -^

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