I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 214 ]<br />

Anthony. I am gone a few Days for the Air, but<br />

defign fpeedily to embark, and this Night I ara go»<br />

ing upon a Manfion for a Supply, it's a ilout Forti-<br />

fication, but what Difficulties can't I encounter, when<br />

Dear Jack^ you find that neither Bars nor Chains<br />

* are but trifling Obftacles in the Way of<br />

From my Reftdcnce in<br />

Terra Auilrali incognito.<br />

Your Friend and Ser-vant,<br />


" P. S. Pray my Service to Mr, Or^^~y, and to<br />

" Mr. Jfp-—^ce.<br />

On Saturday the I oth of OBoher, Anthony Lamb and-<br />

Ihomas Sheppard, with ninety-five ether Felons, were!<br />

carry'd from Kewgate on Shipboard, for T'ranfporta-<br />

tion to the Plantations; the laft bcgg'd to have an Op*<br />

portunity given him of taking his final Leave of his<br />

Brother John, but this was not to be granted, aiid the<br />

greateft Favour that could be obtain'd was, that on<br />

the Sunday before they had an Interview at the Chapel,<br />

but at fuch a Diitance, that they neither faluted, nof<br />

fhcck Hands, and the Reafon given for it was, that no<br />

Implements inight be convey'd to Sheppard to affift him<br />

in making an Efcape.<br />

This Caution feem'd to be abfolutely necellkry, for ic<br />

appear'd foon after, that Sheppard found Means to re-<br />

leafe himfclf from the Staples to which he was chain'd<br />

in the Cafile, by unlocking a great Padlock with a Nail>,<br />

which he had pick'd up on the Floor, and endcavour'd<br />

to pafs up the Chimney, but was prevented by the ftouC<br />

Iron Bars fixed in his Way, ahd wanted nothing but the<br />

fmallefl File to have perfefted his Liberty. When the<br />

AfTiftants of the Prifon came as ufual with his Viftuals,<br />

they began to examine his Irons, which to their great<br />

Surprize they, found them loofe, and ready to be taken<br />

off at Pleafure. Mr. Pitt the Head Keeper, and his<br />


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