I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 339 ]<br />

Three or four Days before he was to fuffer, a Perfon<br />

came to Newgate, and defired a Gentleman to afe him,<br />

whether he did not kill one IVIr. Bojitf! a Pipe-maker at<br />

Bovu, about two Years ago on Epping-ForreJ}, for it was<br />

obferv^d, that about half an Hour before the unhappy-<br />

Accident happen'd, he with another of his own Bufi-<br />

neft, a Smith, were drinking a Mug of Drink at a Pub-<br />

lick Houfe in Stratford, and amongit their Difcourfe<br />

they was talking about Mr. Boftin, upon which Rofe<br />

fpoke very difrefpedlful of him, and when he fpoke it,<br />

he ff^med to fpeak it with fome Warmth ; after they<br />

had drank their Beer they paid for it, and fo parted,<br />

Pofe went one Way, and the other that was with him<br />

another. Hofe had not been gone half an Hour, but<br />

Word was brought that Mr. Bofton the Pipe-maker of<br />

Bovj lay kill'd on Epping-ForreJ?, and was likewife<br />

robb'd of what Money he had about him, which was<br />

about 4 or 5 /. It was obferv'd when Rofe was drinking<br />

at tiie Ale-houfe Door, that he had got a Gun under<br />

his great Coat, which gave Sufpicion that he was the<br />

Perfon that committed the Murder and Robbery; but<br />

when the Gentleman afced him whether he was the<br />

Man that did it, he feem'd to be very much difpleafed<br />

with him for propofing fuch a Queftion, and wou'd not<br />

refolve him for fome Time, whether he did it or not,<br />

till the Gentleman preffing him much, and intreating<br />

him to refolve him, he at laft faid, He did not do it, nor<br />

did he know who did. I afterwards put the fame Que-<br />

ftion to him again, he anfwer'd, fhat he had been ask'i<br />

the fame above ten limes before, and given them Satis-<br />

faSion.<br />

Sometime after Jofeph Rofe lodged at one Mr. Harris's<br />

a Gardiner and Co'W-keeper at Kenjington-Gore, where he<br />

had lodged for the vSpace of Twelve Months before, and<br />

whilft Mr. Harris •ws.i gone out, Rofe took that Oppor»<br />

tunity to open the Safli-Window of Mr. Harris''^ Bed-<br />

chamber, took a great Cheft from thence, and con-<br />

vey'd the fame into the Wafh-houfe, where with a long<br />

Poker which he fetch'd out of the Kitcheu, he attemp-<br />

P 3 ted

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