I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[• 147 ]<br />

fufficiently for fuch an Undertaking; and likewife, that<br />

they had not fufficient Stores of Ammunition, efpecially<br />

of Powder and fmall Arms, for any confiderable Aftion<br />

with the Spaniards.<br />

Then it was offered by the Boatfwain, who it feema<br />

had been in that Part of the World, to go away to<br />

Honduras, and to the Bay of Campeachey, among the<br />

Buccaneers and Logwood Cutters, and there they ftiould<br />

in the firft Place be fure to pick up forty or fifty ftout<br />

Fellows, good Sailors, and bold, entcrprizing Men, who<br />

underftand the Spaniards, and the Spanijh Coaft on<br />

both Sides of America, as well as any Men in the World,<br />

and had all Fire Anns with them, and Ammunition<br />

too, and then being well Mann'd, they might take<br />

their hazard for Provifions, which might be had any<br />

where, at leaft of one Sort if not of another ; befides,<br />

when they were thoroughly Mann'd, they might cruize<br />

for Provifions any where, and might be as likely to<br />

meet with the Neiv-Tork and Neiv-Eiigla;:d Sloops on<br />

the back of the Iflands, in their Way to Barbadoes and<br />

Jamaica, as any where.<br />

Others faid they (hould go firft to the Iflands of Nenxs-<br />

Pro-vidence, or to the Mouth of the Gulph of Fbrida,<br />

and then crazing on the Coaft of i^orth-America, and<br />

making their Retreat at Neiu-Prmjidence, cruize from<br />

the Gulf of Florida, North upon the Coaft of Caro-<br />

lina, and as high as the Capes of Virginia. But no-<br />

thing could be refolv'd on, till at laft Gow let them<br />

into the Secret of a Projedl, which, as he told them,<br />

he had long had in his Thoughts, and which was, to<br />

go away to the North of Scotland, near the Coaft of<br />

which, as he faid, he was born and bred, and where<br />

he faid, if they met with no Purchafe upon the Ssa, he<br />

could tell them how to enrich themfelves by going oa<br />

Shore.<br />

To bring them to concur with this Defign, he re-<br />

prefented the Danger they were in where they were,<br />

(as above) the Want they were in of frelh Water, and<br />

of feveral kind of Provifions, but above all, the Necef-<br />

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