I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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them to fet a Foot abaft the Main-maf!, except they<br />

were call'd to the Helm, upon Pain of being immedi-<br />

ately cut in Pieces, keeping for that Purpofe one Man<br />

at the Steerage-Door, and one upon Quarter-Deck,<br />

with drawn Cutlafhes in their Plands ; but there was<br />

no Need for it, for the Men were fo terrify'd with the<br />

bloody Doings they had feen, that they never offer'd<br />

to come in Sight till they were call'd.<br />

Their next Work was to throw the three dead Bodies<br />

of the Mate, the Surgeon, and the Super-Cargo, over-<br />

board, which they faid lay in their Way, and that<br />

was foon done, their Pockets being firfl: fearch'd and<br />

rifled ; from tiience they went to work with the great<br />

Cabbin, and with all the Lockers, Chefls, Boxes, and<br />

Trunks, thefe they broke open and rifled, tlwt is, fuch<br />

as belong'd to the murd'red Perfons, and whatever they<br />

found there, they ihar'd among themfelves. When<br />

they had done this, they call'd for Liquor, and fat down<br />

to Drinking till Morning, leaving the Men (as above)<br />

to keep Guard, and particularly to guard the Arms,<br />

but reliev'd them from Time to Time, as they faw<br />

Occafion.<br />

By this Time they had drawn in four more of the<br />

Men to approve of what they had done, and promifed<br />

to join with them, fo that now they were twelve in<br />

Number, and being but twenty-four at firft, whereof<br />

four were murd'red, they had but eight Men to be<br />

apprehenfive of, and thole they could eafily look after j<br />

fo the next Day they fent for them all to appear be-<br />

fore their new Captain, where they were told by Go--w<br />

what his Refolution was, ws. to go a Cruiling, or to<br />

go upon the Account, (as above) that if they were wil-<br />

ling to join with them, and come into their Meafures,<br />

they fijould be well ufed, and there fhould be no Di-<br />

fiindlion among them, but they fliould all fare alike,<br />

that they had been forc'd by the barbarous Ufage of<br />

Ferneau to do what they iiad done, but that now there<br />

was no looking back, and therefore as they iiad not<br />

been concern'd in what was pall, they had notiiing to<br />


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