I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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i ^97 'i<br />

count, that tho' many have been involv'd in the Guilt<br />

of a vicio'js Courfe of Lite, by keeping bad Company,<br />

yet , but few before me were ever brought thereto by.,<br />

keeping'too good Company, of wliich the Caufe being.<br />

Ambition, is one of the many Sins for which I hear-<br />

tily, fifk God and the World Forgivenefs, wilhirig that<br />

this may be Hke a Light on the Sea Shore to warn .all<br />

: young iVIen to fnun thofe fatal Rocks whereon I am<br />

.ihipwrcck'd, and that I may be the laft unhappy Per-<br />

fon in this kind, is .the earnelt Defire of<br />


He was executed at 7yhurn on Monday the 9th of<br />

X)iiiiber 1732.<br />

^e Confejfion of Sarah Malcolm, who was<br />

Condemn'd for the barbarous Murder of<br />

Ann Price, Elizabeth Harrifon, and Ly-<br />

dia Dancomb, in the Temple, on the 4th<br />

0/ February 1733.<br />

SARAH Malcolm,. alias Malkomle, was indifted<br />

for the Murder of Atm Price, Spinller, by willfully,<br />

. and malicioufiy giving her with a Knife one mortal<br />

Wound on the Throat, on the 4th of Feb. 1733,-of<br />

which Wound the faid An?i Price inftantly died.<br />

She was a 2d Time Indifted for the Murder of EU-<br />

Kaheth llarrifoit, Spinfter, by ftrangling and choaking<br />

her with a Cord, on the faid 4th of i^iri;/««>•)'.<br />

She was a third Time indifted for.the Murder of<br />

Lydia Ditncomb, Widow, by ftrangling and choaking het<br />

With a Cord, on the faid ,4th of .ft^.<br />

She was again indifted for breaking and entring.the<br />

Houfs of Lydia Dmcomb, and fteaiing 20 Moidores, 18<br />

N • 5 Guineas,,<br />


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