I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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and bring a Hand or two with him, and fome Tools,<br />

fome Ockham, Nails, i^c. The Carpenter being<br />

thus deluded went back, and brought a French Man<br />

and another with him, with all Things proper for their<br />

Work, all which as foon as they came on Shore,<br />

were likewife feized and fecured by Mr. Fea and his<br />

Men.<br />

But there was ftill a great many Men in the Ship,<br />

, , who it was necefl'ary to bring if poflible, to a quiet Sur-<br />

\ render ; fo Mr. Fea ordered his Men to make a Feint,<br />

as if they would go to Work upon the great Boat<br />

which lay on Shore upon the Ifland, but in Sight of the<br />

Ship, there they hammer'd and knock'd, and made a<br />

Noife, as if they were really caulking and repairing<br />

her, in order to her being launch'd off, and put into<br />

their Pcffeffion; but towards Night, he obliged Gmxi<br />

to write to the Men, that Mr. Fea would not deliver<br />

the Boat till he was in Poffeffion of the Ship, and<br />

therefore he ordered them all to come on Shore with-<br />

out Arms, and in a peaceable manner.<br />

This occafioned many Debates in the Ship, but as<br />

they had no Officers to guide them, and were alt in<br />

Confufion, they knew not what to do; fo after fome<br />

Time bewailing their hard Fate, and dividing what<br />

Money was left in the Ship among them, they yielded<br />

and went on Shore, and were all made Prifoners, to<br />

the number of eight and twenty, including thofe who<br />

were fecured before.<br />

How he brought GOID to be fo weak was fomething<br />

ftrange, Gotv being not very fupple, and far from be-<br />

ing fufficiently humble ; but whether it was that he<br />

hoped to fare the better for it, and to plead fome Merit<br />

by obliging his Men to come in without Blood, and<br />

perhaps they might encourage him in fuch Expeftations,<br />

tho' not promife him, for the laft they could not.<br />

However it was, Mr. Fea did certainly prevail with<br />

Gov} to be the Inftrument to write to them, and to join<br />

as it were with Mr. Fea's Stratagem to draw them on<br />

Shore, without which they had not come, at leaft not<br />

at that Time, and fo they faid afterwards, upbraiding<br />


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