I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 175]<br />

difcfiarge. After a tedious Indifpofuion his Wife died,<br />

and it having been given out, that he was fo weary of<br />

her, that to get rid of her he poifon'd her ; I afxed<br />

him if it was true, that lie poifon'd her ? He anfwer'd,<br />

that the World was very injurious in calling fuch an Af-<br />

perfion upon him,and that he was moft careful of hisWifo<br />

during all the Time of her lUnefs, let her want for no-<br />

thing, but got a Nurfe for her when Ihe wanted one,<br />

and three Phyficians of the City, who vifited and pre-<br />

fcribed every Thing which they judg'd moft proper for<br />

her ; and that at laft, when nothing availed for her<br />

Recovery, flie died. It was iikewile alledg'd, that<br />

cnce when he was drunk, he forc'd a near Relation of<br />

his own to lie with him againil her Will; this, he faid,<br />

was a fcandalous Lie, and that fuch a villainous Inten-<br />

tion never enter'd into his Mind. A third Crime talk'd<br />

cf was, that he had ravifti'd a young Girl of fix or fe-<br />

ven Years old, and afterwards thrown her into a Bog-<br />

Houfe, but this he faid was as falfe as the reft, and he<br />

added, that it was an uncharitable Way to aggravate<br />

the Misfortunes of a Man, and becaufe he's guilty of<br />

one Crime, to fuppofe him guilty of twenty others ;<br />

he faid, he never was exceffively wicked, that he fel-<br />

dom drank much, neither did he fwear, but fometimes<br />

when he was in a Paffion, (tc^ which he was too lia-<br />

ble) or provok'd, and that he never committed a capi-<br />

tal Crime, but this for which he died, having liv'd ho-<br />

neftly, and endearour'd to do Juftice to every Body.<br />

As for the cruel and barbarous Murder of Sarah Mar-<br />

tin, he confeffed the fame before the Juftice, when he<br />

was firft taken up for it, and afterwards he own'd<br />

it to every Body, and told it with the following aggra-<br />

vating Circumftances.<br />

When he was a Widower, and had but little Bufi-<br />

nefs, being fomewhat ftraiten'd in his Circumftances, he<br />

was taken in to be a Porter at the Work-Houfe in Bi-<br />

popfgate-freet, where he behav'd himfelf to the Satis-<br />

faction of his Superiors, attended his Bufmefs, and was<br />

refpefted by the other Officers and Servants of the faid<br />

H 4 Work-

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