I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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II<br />

to the Value of about 900 /. and rfhis was all he had<br />

left in his Power to do ; but no body feeking after<br />

them, he kept them all to himfelf. He read fome<br />

Papers to ine, containing very good Prayers of his<br />

own Compofure, for his private life while under Sen-<br />

tence ; and a pretty large Account of his Life, the Sum<br />

of which was, his confeffing to God, that his Leachery<br />

and Covetoufnefs had undone him, and that he made<br />

firm Refolutions of deferting thefe Vices, and living a<br />

circumfpeft Chriftian Life, if it fhould pleafe Provi-<br />

dence to fpare his Life. He was an induftrious Man,<br />

imd told me he never had been drunk in his Life, but<br />

ufed to quench his Thirft with Spring Water, or a<br />

Difb. of Tea, Chocolate or Coffee, and indeed he feem'd<br />

to be very well fitted for Bufuiefs. He lamented his<br />

fmning fo much againll Light and Knowledge, and neg-<br />

lefting for fome Years pafl to take the Blefled Sacra-<br />

ment, becaufe of the Confcience he had of his Guilt<br />

and Crimes, and his lying in habitual Sins. He told<br />

-me, that upon Holy Days, when the other Gentle-<br />

men were better employ'd, he to make a Show of Di-<br />

ligence, went into the Batik and erafed his Notes and<br />

Books privately by himfelf, as he thought fit. He made<br />

a deep Profeffion of Repentance, and fometimes in the<br />

Agony and Bitternefs of his Soul, he Ihed Tears and<br />

wept, end with a deal of Submiffion and Refignation he<br />

fuffer'd his deferv'd Punifhment. He declared his<br />

Faith in the Merits of Chrift Jefus, that he was truly<br />

Penitent for all his Sins, and died in Peace with all<br />

the World.<br />

Ji the Place of EXECUTION.<br />

MR. Majnee went in a Coach, with a Mourning<br />

Coach attending him. When the Bell-man at<br />

St. Sepulcher'i fpoke to him over the Church-yard Wall,<br />

according to Cuftom, he cried a little, and was molt<br />

fcrious at the fliort Prayers he ufed, and faid Amen with<br />


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