I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ i04 1<br />

i-obbM, in order to give him Information of my being<br />

fecur'd, and inform'd the Lady that I war the very<br />

Man that robb'd her ; upon this, the Lady attended by<br />

Mr. Man^ and a Friend or tv/o of his Acquaintance,<br />

foon after vifited me, in order to recoileft my Features<br />

if ihe could, and fix the Faft upon me; as flie view'd<br />

me wifhfuUy, Ihe thought, as flie then faid, there was<br />

a great Refemblance, and faid, 1 believe you to be the<br />

Man.<br />

Triujnphant now he pubh'ckly infults me, and doubts<br />

not but by my fpeedy Execution, (as he has boafted<br />

with Pleafure in the hearing of feveral) to be put into<br />

the peaceable FoflefTicn of a large Purfe of Guineas,<br />

yet in order to ingratiate himfeif and gain the good<br />

Opinion of his Friends and Neighbours, he vows he<br />

has no regard to private Intereft, but lilfe a true Patriot,<br />

has liis wiicle Fye on the good of the Publick ;<br />

tiiat 'tis the Opinion of tvery honeil Man, that Reftitution<br />

fhould be made to fuch as have been injur'd, and<br />

that it is as meritorious to bring fuch a notorious MalefaiSor<br />

as me to condign Punifhment, as for a Roman<br />

Bigot to ilied the Blood of a Heretick j but as I muit<br />

T.ot pretend to be the Ji TiTdrre "_ in ' my own Caufe, I refer<br />

my unhappy Fate to the ferious Confideration of all<br />

my unprejudiced Readers.<br />

^I'liis Perfon ftil! further to aggravate my Sorrows,<br />

a,nd render my Charafter more odious to the World,<br />

endeavour'd to afperfe my Friends, and aflerts (in order<br />

to confirm tile Truth of his Allegations) that Mr. Cary<br />

lent me tv/o Guineas to purchafe Piftols, and other Accoutrements<br />

to qualify me for the Frofeffion of which<br />

I Hand convifted, and that he engag'd for the Hire of<br />

the Horfe on which I committed the Faft. But as I<br />

am fhortly to anfv/er for all my paft Tranfaftions to an<br />

tffended God, I folemnly declare, (in Juftice to injur'd<br />

Innocence) that this fcandalous Infmuation is falfe and<br />

groundlefs; however if the World will not regard my<br />

Words tho' a dying Man, yet I hope his Charafter is<br />

fo well eftablilh'd amongft the better fort of Mankind,<br />


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