I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 3O0 ]<br />

meeting together, they concerted their wicked Plot, and<br />

put it in Execution as follows.<br />

On Sunday the 3 8th of January, the Sunday htkre<br />

the Murder was committed, ihe met with Tracey^ and<br />

treated her with Coffee in her Mafter's Clumbers, for<br />

he was out of Town, and there the whole of their Con-<br />

verfation run upon the robbing Mrs. Di{ncomb\ Cham-<br />

bers, which they agreed to do either that or the fol-<br />

lowing Week. They pat their Defign in Execution up-<br />

on Saturday Night, or Sunday Morning enfuing, which<br />

happen'd to be upon the 4th of February aforefaid,<br />

when being pretty late at Night, they all met accord-<br />

ing to Appointment, and Sarah got James Jkxatider^<br />

the younger of the two Brothers, convey'd into the<br />

Chambers, where he hid himfelf under a Bed till Mrs.<br />

Duncomh, and her old and young Maid were all com-<br />

pofed to reft, and then about Two in the Motning, he<br />

jDpen'd the Door and let in Mrs. I'racsy and Thomas A-<br />

kxander into the Chambers, while Sarah Malcolm her-<br />

felf waited upon the Stairs to take Notice that no body<br />

iliould come to interrupt them in their villainous De-<br />

fign. She infilled Ihe knew nothing of any Defign of<br />

Murder, and Ihe doubted, if they themfelves reaDy had<br />

any fuch Intentions, but beHev'd that the Murders were<br />

pccafion'd by fome of the People's awaking, and by<br />

their Fear that a Noife might be made, and that they<br />

might be taken in the Faft. This fhe apprehended was<br />

the Reafon of their murd'ring the good old Lady Ma-<br />

dam Duncomh, and her two Servants, Elizabeth Harri-<br />

Jan, and the young Maid Ann Price, who was but late-<br />

ly come into her Service ; and this they did in a very<br />

barbarous manner, but cutting the Throat of the Maid<br />

Ann Price from Ear to Ear, after Ihe had made no<br />

fmall Struggle for her Life ; and by llrangling the old<br />

Gentlewoman and her ancient Maid, who were both<br />

fick, and could not make much Oppofition, with a<br />

fmall Cord, and all the three they left dead upon their<br />

pwn Beds in different Rooms.<br />

.; . Sara&

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