I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 177 3<br />

they went out, and Sarah Martin prOpofed to go to-<br />

wards Sir George IVhitmore's, to one of her Acquaiti-<br />

tance, Chappel was averfe to this, and defir'd her to re •<br />

turn to Town and leave him, for he was fully refolvVl<br />

never to keep her Company. Upon this they difagrced,<br />

find wander'd up and down for a-while, uncertain what<br />

Courfe to take, he was unwilling to go to her Friend's<br />

Houfe, and fhe to return to Town fo foon. And now<br />

the Devil prompted him to put his mifchievous Intent<br />

into Execution, and flie llill infilling upon the old<br />

Theme of Marriage, (and as he faid) curfing and thrca-<br />

t'ning him in a fearful manner, they being in a Field<br />

by an old ruinous Ale-houfe near Sir George Whitmore'?;<br />

while (lie vv.dk'd a little before liim, he with an Oaken<br />

Stick he had in his Hand, knock'd her down fuddcnly,<br />

and continu'd to beat )ier in a furious and barbarous<br />

manner; fhe endeavour'd, tho' to no Purpofe,. to make<br />

fome Defence, and to rife up, and cry'd, O / John,<br />

John, hanje Mercy, O .' John, John, ba-ve Afercy, fa-ve<br />

7ny Life! But he'poflefled with the Devil, refolv'd to<br />

make an End of her, redonbl'd his Strokes with hel-<br />

3ifh Violence, and then in a great Hurry, he took out<br />

both his Knives, one was a Penknife, and the other art-<br />

Oyfler Knife, v/ith which he wounded her in divers<br />

Places, and left one of the Knives flicking in her Skull;<br />

when flie was quite deadi' he left her, and the other<br />

Knife, with the Oaken Stick, and all his murd'ring<br />

Weapons l)'ing by her, and went ftraight to Town to<br />

the Work-Houfe. This Murder as he confelTed, was<br />

premeditated fome Time before he did it, and when it<br />

was committed he was infuch a violent Paffion and Con-<br />

fufion, that he faid, he could not well tell after what<br />

manner it was done, but he own'd he gave her no<br />

Time to make any Defence for her Life, but attacked,<br />

her fo fuddenly, and with fuch Fury,'-that ftie had<br />

fcarce Time to fay, Lord have Mercy on my Soul. The<br />

Stick he knock'd her down with lie did not take out<br />

for that Purpofe, but it was what he ufed for three or<br />

four Months laft pail to walk with.<br />

H ; While

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