I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 68 ]<br />

cution, a Man faid, that he had married xine Mr. A'-'-<br />

chols'i, Daughter in the City of AWw/c^ • who is Sifter<br />

to the faid Man's Wife, and whom he left feven'iears<br />

ago, having marry'd another Wife fmce. I asked him<br />

about his multiplicity of Wives .? he wav'd a pofitive<br />

Anfvver, faying, That he ivas loaded 'u'ith many Re-<br />

proaches by numbers of People, ivhom he heartily /orga've.<br />

And calling to a Gentleman who was at the Place of<br />

Execution, he gave fomc private Diredlions relating to<br />

the Settlement of his Eflate which he had before made.<br />

He gave Advice to the Speftatois to live virtuous and<br />

godly Lives ; and he hoped to be faved thro' the Merits<br />

of Jefus Chrift, and died .-apparently penitent.<br />

He was executed AW. 3, 172.6.<br />

^he Behaviour and Confeffion of Robert<br />

Hayncs, for the Murder of Edward Perry<br />

in St. James'.f-Park.<br />

HE was 21 Years of Age, defcended of honeft Pa-<br />

rents in Ireland, and had acquir'd a tollerable<br />

Knowledge in the Latin and Greek Tongues, and un-<br />

derftood the Principles of Chrillianity much better than<br />

mofl of thofe miferable People who involves themfelves<br />

in fatal Difafters and Calamities. His- Father intended<br />

to have made him a Sciiolar, but being reduc'd, and<br />

not capable to do any Thing better for him, nor to put<br />

him to any other Bufmefs; about two Years Time he<br />

fent over for him to England, and lifted him in one of<br />

the Regiments of his Majefty's Foot-Guards, and while<br />

he was in the Service, he behav'd himfelf with much<br />

Modefty and Difcretion. He was but lately come from<br />

School, and (as he told me) had never additled himfelf<br />

to vicious Habits. He appear'd to be a young, Man of<br />

a calm Temper, not given to quarrelling, altho' he had<br />


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