I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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ii<br />

M<br />

[ 318 ]<br />

Stairs the Colonel fhow'd us where the Plate lay, which<br />

we took, and made the Colonel go down Stairs, and<br />

then we put him in the back Room with his Maid,<br />

. where fhe was ty'dand confin'd all theTime theRobbery<br />

was committing ; after we had ty'd the Colonel we<br />

went and rifled the Houfe of wearing Apparel, Linnen,<br />

is'c. ^ays Mitchel, lama dry, F11 fee if there's any<br />

Liquor in the Houfe, with that he went into the Cellar,<br />

and brought up four or five Pints of Wine, which we<br />

drank up ; fays Mitchell, The Colonel keeps but a foot<br />

Houfe, for he has neither Beer nor Brandy in it, only a<br />

Glafs of Wine. After this, Whitlock faid he was a hun-<br />

gry, upon which MVcZ-e/reply'd, Ikno~M the Houfe no-ia<br />

t^ery ivell, fo I'll go and fee if the Colonel has got any<br />

ViSiuals; with that he went down Stairs, and brought<br />

up two or three R.ibs of Mutton and fome Butter,<br />

which we all eat part of; after we had dene eathig we<br />

took a Glafs or two of Wine, and then pack'd up the<br />

Cloaths, and all let down in the Paflage, for about two<br />

or three Hours, then left the Houfe and made the beil<br />

of our Way for London; when we came near the Town<br />

we went towards Ifli-ngton, and jufl; by Black-Maif s-<br />

Hole we parted, two one Way, and two another. I<br />

aflc'd Whitlock how we fhould difpofe of the Goods ?<br />

AfZ/f/if//reply'd, I knew njery ixell hovj to difpofe of the<br />

Cloaths, Watch and Plate, which we did the Day after<br />

the Robbery, meeting together at the HandznA Flozier<br />

the other Side the Water, when v/e agreed together to<br />

fell the Plate and Watch to one Mr. Baddenham in the<br />

Old-Bailey, Mitchel faying, He kneiv him 'very 'well, for<br />

he had dealt luith him forfe'veral Things before.<br />

I defire all Perfons (efpecially all young Men) to take<br />

Warning by my ignominious Death, and I hope God<br />

will give you Grace (more than I have had) to avoid<br />

bad Company, for that has been my utter Ruin. I<br />

hope all good Chriftians will not refled: on my unfortu^<br />

nate Wife and four fmall Children, for flie was unfenfi-<br />

ble of my Way of Life j for I always told her feveral<br />

different Stories how I got the Money, and if I had<br />


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