I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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Plunder, but never knew any Good it did him. All<br />

the Time he was troubled with a violent Cold and<br />

Cough, yet he never abfented himfelf from Chapel,<br />

wliere he behaved gravely, quietly, and attentively,<br />

and he often held down his Head becaufe of his Indif-<br />

pofition, and lamented for his Wife and Child ; he faid,<br />

that altho' it had been reported we were fifty or fixty<br />

belonging to that Gang of Thieves in which he was<br />

concern'd, he did not know of more then feven, nor<br />

did he believe that there was any fuch Number as was<br />

reported. He faid he had been a very ill difpofed, vi-<br />

cious young Man, and confeffed that he had long fol-<br />

lovv'd the Pradlice of Deer-ftealing, which brought him<br />

into a bad Frame of Mind, and made him entirely re-<br />

gardlefs of Faith and a good Confcience. He profefled<br />

himfelf a Penitent, that he believ'd in Chrill, and was<br />

in Peace with all Men.<br />

The Confejfion of Jofeph Rofe.<br />

HE was about 38 Years of Age, born of honeft<br />

Parents, who gave him good Education, and<br />

when of Age he ferv'd his Time to a Blackfmith, and<br />

afterward he liv'd by his Bufinefs, and marry'd a Wife,<br />

who had by him feveral Children, three of which was<br />

living. He faid he had till fome few Years ago, the<br />

Charafter of an honeft Man, and was well refpefted by<br />

his Acquaintance; but then falling into the Converfa-<br />

tion and Intimacy of thofe People call'd Waltham-Blach,<br />

who live by ftealing Deer, or robbing Houfes; after<br />

that he profpcred no more, fo that no honeft Perfon<br />

would keep him Company. H^e was taken up and<br />

kept fome Time in Chelmsford Goal, and being fufpe-<br />

fted to be a Robber and Highwayman, and to be the<br />

Perfon who robb'd and murd'red a Pipe-maker at Boiv,<br />

about two Years ago he loft what little Charafter he<br />

had before.<br />


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