I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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On the Morning of her Execution before fhe was<br />

carry'd out of Neivgate, flie appeared pretty ferene and<br />

calm, reading in a Book j vvlien I went to her to affiil<br />

her in her lail Moments, I found another Clergyman<br />

with her, Mr. Piddington. I defir'd him to accompany<br />

me to the Place of Execution, but this Requeft he<br />

would by no means comply with ; before (he was put in<br />

the Cart I pray'd for her, and ftie in appearance was<br />

very ferious, and comply'd with the Devotion, yet (he<br />

could not well compofe herfelf, but cry'd moft bitterly,<br />

atidpour'd out a Flood of Tears all the Time. When<br />

Prayers were well nigh over at the Tree, I a(ked if (he<br />

would have a Pfalm fung, as they commonly defire, but<br />

thi;i ihe refufed, and then as I was concluding the Prayer*,<br />

and recommending lier Soul to Almighty God at the<br />

Point of Death, (he fainted away, and was a good<br />

whils before (lie recover'd. What I here deliver to Mr.<br />

Appkbee to publilh is tiie Subftance of her own Words,<br />

and folemn i)eclar,itions to me, upon the Sincerity (a»<br />

Ihe at Iea(t pretended) of a dying Woman, and of one<br />

who Wr.s iiniuediately to appear before, and anfwer at<br />

the Tribunal of the great God. If there be any Thing<br />

contradidlory, or what may feem difmgenious in this<br />

Account, it is owing to the unhappy 'I'emper of this<br />

vmfortunate Wretch, who often varied in her Declara*<br />

tions concerning this barbarous Murder-; but this may<br />

be depended upon, that I have here deliver'd nriy Sen-<br />

timents as comprehenfive to the World as the Cafe of<br />

this unfortunate Woman would pertnit me.<br />

Jnfl? before -the Cart drew away (he look'd towards thft<br />

Temple, and cry'd out. Oh, my Majier! my Majier J-'i<br />

ivifti J could.fee him; and then looking up to Heaven of-<br />

ten cryed. Lord ha

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