I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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Chubb along with him in Queft of the flipp'ry Eel Shep^-<br />

fard, who had taken Shelter in an old Stable belonging<br />

to a Farm-Houfe, the Purfuit was clofe, the Houfe in-<br />

vefted, and a Girl feeing his Feet as he flood up hid,<br />

difcover'd him. Mr. Jujiin a Turnkey firft attacked<br />

his Perfon, Mr. Langley feconded him, and Ireton an<br />

- Officer help'd to enclofe, and happy was the hindermoft<br />

who aided in this Enterprize. He being Ihock'd with<br />

the utmoft Fear, told them he fubmitted, and defired<br />

they would let him live as long as they could, which<br />

they did, and ufed him mildly ; upon fearching him.<br />

they found a broad Knife, with two of the Watches as<br />

he had taken out of Mr. Martin's Shop, one under each<br />

Armpit; and now having gain'd their Point, and made<br />

themfelves Mafters of what they had often endeavour'd<br />

for, thay came with their Loft Sheep to a Houfe on<br />

the Common that fold Liquors, with this Infcription on<br />

the Sign, I ha've brought my Hogs to a fair Market?<br />

which our two unfortunate Butchers under their then<br />

unhappy Circumftances, had too fad Reafon to apply to<br />

themfelves. Sheppard had by this Time recover'd his<br />

Surprize, grew calm and eafy, and defir'd them to give<br />

him fome Brandy, which they did, and were all good<br />

Friends and Company together.<br />

They adJQurn'd with their Booty to another Place,<br />

where there was a Coach and Four waiting to convey<br />

them to Town with more Speed and Safety, where Mr,<br />

Sheppard arriv'd at his old Manfion about two in the<br />

iifternoon. At his alighting he made a fudden Spring,<br />

his Intention being (as he declared) to have flipt under<br />

the Coach, and had a Race for it; he was put into<br />

the Condemii d-Hold, and chain'd down to the Floor<br />

with double Bafils about his Feet, i^c. Page was car-<br />

ry'd before Sir Francis Forbes, and committed to the<br />

fame Prifon, for accompanying and aiding Sheppard in<br />

his Efcspe. The Prudence of Mr. Pitt caufed a Se-<br />

paration between him and his Brother the firft Night,<br />

as a Means to prevent any enfuing Danger, by having<br />

two Heads, which (according to our Proverbial Saying<br />

M better than o?ie.<br />


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