I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 173 ]<br />

in Cafe of a Fight they fhould take diem arid tie them<br />

Back to Back, and throw them all over Board into the<br />

Sea.<br />

It fliould not be omitted here alfo in the Cafe of GJ-.'J<br />

himfelf, tliat he had long meditated the kind of Villiiny<br />

v/hich he now put in Praftice, and that it was his Re-<br />

folution to turn Pyrate the firft Opportunity he {liould<br />

get, whatever Voyage'he undertook, and that I had ob<br />

ferv'd he had intended it on Board a Ship in which ].:•<br />

came Home from Lisbon, but f.il'd only for VAint of<br />

making a fafficient Party ; fo this Refolution of his is<br />

conf.rni'd by the Te'limony and ConfefTion of 'J,im:s<br />

Behin, one of his Fellow Criminals, who upon the<br />

Trial declar'd, that he knew that Gonv (and he added<br />

the Crew of the George Galley) had a Defign to turn.<br />

Pyrates from the beginning, and added, that he difco-<br />

vcr'd it to George Djbfon in Amjierdam, before the Ship<br />

went out to Sea; for the Confirmation of this, Dahfi':<br />

Avas call'd up again, after he had given liis Evidence up-<br />

on the Trials, and being confronted with Belvin, h.e<br />

did acknowledge that Belvin had fiiid fo, and that in<br />

particular he had faid, the Boatfwain and feveral others<br />

had fuch a Defign, and in cfpecial manner, that the<br />

faid Boatfwain had a Defign to murder the Mailer, and<br />

fome others, and run away with the Ship,-and being<br />

afk'd v/hat was the Reafon why he did not immediate-<br />

ly difcover it to t!ie Mafter Captain Ferneau P he an-<br />

fwer'd, that he heard ^B^/fwi tell th.e Mate of it, and<br />

that the Mate told tliB Captain of it, but that tiie<br />

Captain made light of it, and that tho' he was per-<br />

fuaded not to let the Boatfwain go along with them,<br />

yet the Captain laid, he fear'd them not, and vi'OJlJ<br />

ftill take him, but that the Boatfwain finding himfeif<br />

difcover'd, refufed to go, upon which Gozv was named<br />

for Boatfwain, but was made fecond Mate, and tliea<br />

Behln was made Boatfwain, and had he been as ho-<br />

nell afterward as before, he might have efcap'd whjt<br />

afterwards became fo juftly his Due ; but as they acted<br />

together, Juitice requir'd they Ihould fufFer, and ac-<br />

H 3 cordingly

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