I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[54]<br />

in the Morning when the Keepers came for the five<br />

Malefaftors who were to die that Day, they could not<br />

get in till about Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, and<br />

then the Prifoners themfelves removed the Stones from<br />

the Door.<br />

This Attempt was judged to be Burivworth''s, and he<br />

was removed into another Apartment called the Bilboa<br />

Room, afid additional Irons were claped upon him.<br />

While he was here he procured Files, Saws, iSc.<br />

with which he faw'd off his Irons, and then broke<br />

thro' the Wall of the Bilboa Room into the Women's<br />

Apartment, and with his Saws fell to work upon the<br />

Iron Bars, in the Windows of which there are three tire<br />

one within another, the firft of which he foon cut quite<br />

out, and was working upon the others, when one of the<br />

Women difcovered his Attempt, upon which he was<br />

taken from his Work, brought back to the Condemned-<br />

Hold, and there chained down to the Floor, where we<br />

jhall leave him whilft vye make fome little Enquiry<br />

after his Companions.<br />

William Bleni-itt was born in the Parifli of St. Gileses<br />

Crifplegate, his Father was a Porter, and his Mother<br />

fold Herbs, i^c. in the faid Parifh, where flie is yet<br />

living. His Parents was in very mean Circumllances,<br />

and he (at the Charge of the Parifli) was bound an<br />

Apprentice to a Perfumer of Gloves; but he foon be-<br />

came acquainted with a Crew of profligate Wretches,<br />

by whofe Advice he ran into all Extreams of Wicke^l-<br />

nefs, as picking Pockets, Shoplifting, l^c. which he<br />

prafticed fuccelsfully for many Years, till about two<br />

Years fince he happened to be catch'd in the Faft,<br />

was fent to Neivgate, and convifted for Tranfportation,<br />

when with divers others of the fame Profeffion, both<br />

Males and Females, he was fhip'd off for the Planta-<br />

tions ; but a Defign having been form'd by the other<br />

Criminals to make their Efcapes (to which Purpofe<br />

their Friends had fupplied them with Saws, Files, i^c.<br />

which were concealed in Cakes of Gingerbread) he be-<br />

ing admitted into the Secret, refolv'd to purchafe his<br />


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