I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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The Joy the People of Newgate conceiv'd on this<br />

Occafion was inexpreflible, Te Deum was fung in the<br />

Lodge, and nothing but Smiles and Bumpers were feen<br />

there for many Days together ; but Jonathan Wild un-<br />

fortunately happen'd to be gone upon a wrong Scent<br />

after him to Sturhridge, and loft a Share of the Glory.<br />

The Reverend Mr. VFagfiaff, who ofiiciated in the<br />

Abfence of the Ordinary, renew'd his former Acquain-<br />

tance with Mr. Sheppard, and examin'd him in a par-<br />

ticular manner concerninji his Efcape from the Con-<br />

demri'd-Hld; he entirely difown'd that all, or any be-<br />

longing to the Prifon were privy thereto, but related it<br />

as it li^s been defcrib'd. He deciar'd that Edg'worth Befi,<br />

who had hitherto pafled for his Wife, was not really<br />

fo, this was by fome thought to be bafe and ungenerous<br />

in him, as flie had contributed towards his Efcape, and<br />

was in Cuftody on that Account, it might render her<br />

more liable to Punilhment than iffhe had been thought<br />

his Wife ; but he endeavour'd to acquit himfelf, by<br />

faying, that fhe was the fole Author of all his Misfor-<br />

tunes, that (he betrayed him to Jonathan Wild at the<br />

Time when he was taken in Rofemary-Latie, and that<br />

when he was contriving his Efcape, fhe difobey'd his<br />

Orders, as when being required to attend at the Door<br />

©f the Condemn'd-Hold by nine or ten in the Morning,<br />

to facilitate his Endeavours, flie came not till the Eve-<br />

ning, which he faid, was an ungrateful Return for the<br />

Care he had taken in fetting her at Liberty from Neiu-<br />

Prifon, and thus juftified himfelf in what he had done,<br />

and faid he cared not what became of her.<br />

He was continually meditating a fecond Efcape, as<br />

appeared by his own hardinefs, and the Inftruments<br />

found upon him, on Saturday the i zth, and Wednef-<br />

day the 16th of September; the firft Time a fmall File<br />

was found concealed in his Bible, and the fecond Time<br />

two Files, a Chiffel, and a Hammer, being hid in the<br />

Rufhes of a Chair; and whenever a Queftion was<br />

mov'd to him, when, or by what Means thofe Imple-<br />

ments came to his Hands, he would paffionately fly<br />


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