I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 217 1<br />

trace Wm, when to their farther Amazement, they<br />

found the Doors ready open'd to their Hands, and the<br />

ftrong Locks, Screws and Bolts, broken in Pieces, and<br />

fcattered about tlie Gaol; fix great Doors (one whereof<br />

having not been open'd for feven Years paft) were forc'd,<br />

and it appeared, that he had defcended from the Leads<br />

of Ne-xvgate by a Blanket (which he faften'd to the Wall<br />

by an Iron Spike he had taken from the Hatch of the<br />

Chapel) on the Houfe of Mr. Birt/, and the Door of<br />

the Leads being left open, it was very reafonable to<br />

conclude he paffed diredlly to the Street Door down the<br />

Stairs, Mr. Birdcind his Wife hearing an odd fort of a<br />

Noife on the Stairs as they lay in their Bed, a fhoit<br />

Time before the Watchman alarm'd thrt-'amily.<br />

Infinite Numbers of Citizens came to Neivgate to<br />

behold SbepparcTs Workmanlhip, and Mr. Pitt and his<br />

Officers very readily conduiled them up Stairs, th;it the<br />

World might be convinc'd there was not the leaft room<br />

to fufpeft either a Negligence or Connivance in the Ser-<br />

vants. Every one expreffed the greateft Surprize ima-<br />

ginable, and declar'd themfelves fatislied with the Mea-<br />

furcs they had taken for the Security of their Prifoner.<br />

One of the Sheriffs came in Perfon, and went up to-<br />

the Caflk, to be fitisfied of the Situation of the Place,<br />

i^c. attended by feveral of the City Officers.<br />

The Court being fat at the Seffions-Haufi, the Keeper<br />

were fent for and examin'd, and the Magiftrates were<br />

in great Confternation, that fo horrid a Wretch had ef-<br />

cap'd their Juftice, being intended that he fhou'd have<br />

been brought down to the Court the laft Day of the<br />

Seffions, and order'd for Execution in two or three Days<br />

after, if it appear'd that he was the Perfon condemu'd<br />

for the breaking Mr. Kiteebonc'% Houfe, and had been<br />

included in the Warrant for Execution, i^c.<br />

He undoubtedly perform'd moft of thefe Wonders of<br />

his laft Efcape in the darkcft Part of the Night, and<br />

without the leaft Glimpfe of a Candle. In a Word, he<br />

aflually did with his own Hands in a few Hours, what<br />

feveral of the moH fliillful Artifts allow, could not<br />

VOL. U. K have<br />


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