I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 242 1<br />

«. Tittle in the back Lanes towards Chejhuni, where I<br />

met a Coach with four Ladies in it, from whom I took<br />

I /. 10 J. they being in an Undrefs were without<br />

Watches; I thought this but very poor Encourage-<br />

ment, and I depended on fomething better before I<br />

got to Town, but my Expeftations were not anfwered,<br />

for 1 attack''d a Man near Balmo^i-Brook, who appeared<br />

well, but had not above 3 j. 6/ which I return'd,<br />

and rode direftly to Town, and met with nothing more<br />

that Night, nor did I ride out again for feveral Days,<br />

my Wife being very ill, I did not think it fafe to<br />

leave her. My next Ride was to Epping-Forreji, where<br />

I ftopp'd the Stratford Stage Coach, out of which I<br />

had about 6 /. and three Silver Watches, but was im-<br />

mediately purfued by four Gentlemen, who I did not<br />

fee, tho' they were very near to me, which oblig'd me<br />

to try my Horfe's Speed. I had not rode half a Mile<br />

before I fell in with fome of his Majefty's Grooms<br />

breathing their Hunters, two of thefe had got the Alarm.<br />

of a Highwayman, which oblig'd me to keep on my<br />

Mafk, and my Piftol in my Hand ; in this manner I<br />

rode between two of them, one of which had a led<br />

Horfe, which on my riding haftily through broke Way,<br />

whereby I got clear of them ; I then bore away for<br />

Waltham-Abbey, but finding my Purfuers very near, I<br />

judg'd it improper to go thro' the Town, took the right<br />

Hand Road, and return'd to part of Efping-Foreji, and<br />

went direftly for Uarbiu, where I ftay'd till Evening,<br />

and then return'd to London, but heard my Purfuers<br />

came thro' Waltham-Abbey, and on-watd to the Poft-<br />

houfe at Endfield, and then gave over the Purfuit; this<br />

Adventure pleafed me much better than the firft, and<br />

brought me to a Pvefolution of ilicking clofe to my<br />

new Occupation, which feem'd to agree very well with<br />

my roving Difpofition. In a few Days I took the<br />

other Ride on HoiinflonM-Heath, where meeting with a<br />

Gentleman, gave him the ufual Salutation, telling him<br />

I was very neceffitous, he feem'd a little unwilling to<br />

part with his Money, but I begg'd him not to trifle,<br />


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