I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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tlie others would take the Keys from out of the Pins iii<br />

the Window, by which Means, in the Dead of the<br />

Nit^ht, we could eafily take down the Sliutters, and<br />

enter without Difficulty ; and in this manner did we<br />

enter into moft of thofe Shops and Houfes that we<br />

robb'd, which, in Juftice to the Publick I do here de-<br />

clare, that they may be the more cautious to prevent<br />

thefe Praftices for the Time to come.<br />

And alfo, that notwithftanding the various Means<br />

we ufed to enrich ourfelves at the Expence of otliers,<br />

whether by Houfe-breaking, Robbing, ijfc. either by<br />

Day or Night, we always found the moft beneficial<br />

Time was from a little before Candle-light,.'till about<br />

I o of the Clock, and that what we pick'd up in that<br />

Time ufually exceeded tlie whole Day's Gains befides.<br />

For the Satisfaftion of thofe who are curious to<br />

know the particular Crimes I have committed at Times,<br />

I fhall here add a Lift of all my Burglaries and Street-<br />

Robberies, as for divers Fafts committed upon the Sneaky<br />

and in Shop-lifting, I muft declare the greateft Part of<br />

them are efcaped my <strong>Memory</strong> j but they were gene-<br />

rally fpeaking fuch as robbing Goldfmiths and Toy-Shops<br />

Show-Glafles, Uojlers, Milliners Shops, k3c.<br />

At & Goldfmiths in RuJJel-Court, after having in Com-<br />

pany with two more of the fame Frofeflion, broke the<br />

Shutter, juft as I was endeavouring to go otF with the<br />

Show-Glafs, a Man jump'd up with a Blunderbufs, and<br />

levelling it at us, obliged us to quit our Prize, and<br />

feek our own Safety by Flight ; but at a Toy-Shop near<br />

the before-mention'd we had better Succefs j for ha-<br />

ving in the Evening unkeyM the Window, about Two<br />

o'clock in the Morning we took down the Shutter, and<br />

getting in with as little Noife as poffible, found the<br />

Maid fitting by the Fire-fide, fhe fqueak'd out at the<br />

Sight of us, but we foon oblig'd her to be filent, and<br />

fit ftill, whilft we had perfefted our Defign, and having<br />

open'd the Show-Glafs, carry'd off all the Snuft-boses<br />

therein.<br />


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