I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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I 199 ]<br />

frifon to teftify and preferve the <strong>Memory</strong> of this ex-<br />

traordinary Villain.<br />

Sheppard not warrfd by this Admonition, returns like<br />

a Dog to his Vomit, and comes fecretly into his Maftcr<br />

JVood's Neighbourhood in Witch-ftrcet, and concerts<br />

Meafures with one Anthom Lamb, an Apprentice to<br />

Mr. Carter, a Mathematical Inftrument-maker, for<br />

robbing Mr. Burton a Matter Taylor, a Man of Worth<br />

and Reputation, who lodg'd in Mr. Carter's Houfe.<br />

Charles Grace, a gracelefs Cooper was let into the Secret,<br />

confented, and refolv'd to aft his Part; the i6th of<br />

June was appointed. Lamb accordingly lets Grace and<br />

Sheppard into the Houfe at Midnight, and they all went<br />

up to Mr. Barton's, Apartment, well arm'd with Piftols,<br />

End entered his Rooms without being difturbed ; Grace<br />

was pofted at Mr. Barton's Bed-Side with a loaded Pi-<br />

ftol, and pofitive Orders to ftioot him through the Head<br />

if in Cafe he awaked, Sheppard being engaged in open-<br />

ing the Trunks and Boxes the mean while. It luckily<br />

happen'd for Mr. Barton that he flept founder than<br />

ufual that Night, as having come from a Merry-making<br />

with feme Friends, tho' poor Man little dreaming in<br />

what dreadful Circamftances he was then in. They<br />

carry'd off in Notes, Bonds, Guineas, Cloaths, made<br />

and unmade, to the Value of between two or three<br />

hundred Pounds, befides a Paduefoy Suit of Cloaths,<br />

worth about 18 or 20 /. more, which having been made<br />

for a corpulent Gentleman, Sheppard had them reduc'd,<br />

and fitted to his own Size and wear, as defigning to ap-<br />

pear and make a Figure among the Beau Monde. Grace<br />

and Sheppard having difpofed of the Goods at an Ale-<br />

hoafe in Ne--wtenor's-Lane, (a Rendezvous of Robbers<br />

and Ruffians) took their Flight, and Grace was not<br />

heard of after. Lamb was apprehended and carry'd be-<br />

fore Juftice Neiuton, and there made an ample Confef-<br />

faon, and being nothing but that againft him at his<br />

Trial, and withal a favourable Profecution, he came off<br />

with a Sentence of Tranfportation only ; he as well as<br />

Sheppard confirm.'d all the above Particulars, and with<br />

I 4, this

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