I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[94]<br />

He acknowledg'd he had for feveral Years paft kept<br />

Company with one Amey Fonvkr, by whom he had ft-<br />

veraJ Children, and wifli'd he had married her inftead<br />

of the Perfon who was liis Wife, for he faid he ihould<br />

not then have fallen into thofe irregular Courfes he after-<br />

wards did. Upon his Trial he behav'd himfelf with a<br />

great deal of Indecency, and continu'd the fame till a<br />

very few Days before his Execution.<br />

Thus was he cut oiF [as he fays himfelf in the fol-<br />

lowing Copy of a Paper that he read at the Place of<br />

Execution) in the Prime of his Youth, being but about<br />

28 Years of Age, and was executed at Tyburn in Com-<br />

pany with Benjamin Branch a notorious Street-Robber,<br />

yanies Stacks alias Htrward, condemn'd for robbing on<br />

the Highway, Margaret Mwfhey, convifted for pri-<br />

vately ftealing a Silver Salver and Porringer, the Pro-<br />

perty of Mr. Cefleel, and Margaret Wallis likewife<br />

condemn'd for robbing her Mailer at Iftington.<br />

At the Place of Execution all the abovefaid Perfons<br />

appear'd very Devout and Penitent, and Bella?ny brought<br />

a Paper in his Hand to the Place of Execution, which<br />

as foon as they arriv'd, he read, to the Auditors, a<br />

Copy whereof is as follows. •<br />

Gentlemen,<br />

I A M brought here to fufter an ignominious Death,<br />

for my having willfully tranfgrefled againft the<br />

known Laws of God and my Country ; J fear there<br />

are too many here prefent who come to be WitnefTes<br />

of my untimely End, rather out of Curiofity than<br />

from a lincere Intention to take Warning by my un-<br />

happy Fate; you fee me here in the very Prime of<br />

my Youth, cut off like an untimely Flower in a rigo-<br />

rous Seafon, thro' my having been too much addifted<br />

to a voluptuous and irregular Courfe of Life, which<br />

has been the Occafion of my committing thefe Crimes<br />

for which I am now to fuffer. As the Laws of God<br />

as well as Men call upon me to lay down my Life, as<br />

julily forfeited by my manifold Ti'anigreiTions, I ac-<br />

' knowledge

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