I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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was coming away in Defpair, not finding any Thing<br />

worth bringing away with me, when happening to look<br />

into a little Cupboard juft by the Chimney, where they<br />

put Small-coal, Candles, is'c. I felt a Bag, and pul-<br />

ling it out, I found therein about 50 /. in Silver, and a<br />

Green Purfe, in which was four Guineas, and four half<br />

Guineas ; I was overjoy'd with my Purchafe, but it did<br />

not laft me above a Week, and then I was forcM to<br />

pawn what Things 1 had bought till all was gone, and<br />

then I began to look out fharp again.<br />

And happening to come crofs Smithfeldon a Market<br />

Day, I faw a Countryman receive fome Money for<br />

Cattle he had fold, which he put into a greafy leathern<br />

Bag ; I was going along, not thinking any Thing,<br />

when I heard an Out-cry of Stop Thief! I turn'd about<br />

to the Noife, and faw a Man running towards where<br />

I was, purfued by feveral People, and juft as he came<br />

by me he drop'd fomething, (which no Body happen'd<br />

to fee but me) which he had no fooner done but he was<br />

ftop'd; I took up what he drop'd, which to my great<br />

Surprize I perceiv'd was the Leather Pouch of Money<br />

I faw in the Countryman's Hand ; I never ftay'd tO<br />

fee what became of the Man, but went to an Ale-houfe<br />

and calling for a Pint of Beer, I aiked for the Necef-<br />

fary-houfe, which being fliewn me, I there examin'd<br />

the Contents, and found therein Forty-two Guineas and<br />

a half, five 23 s. Pieces of Gold, a Moidore, and 5 s.<br />

6 d. in Silver, making in all 5 2 /. I was aftonifh'd at<br />

becoming Mafter of fo much Money, fo taking the<br />

half Guinea and the Silver out from the reft, I put that<br />

loofe in my Pocket, and put all the reft of the Gold in-<br />

to my Green Purfe, and threw the leathern Pouch down<br />

the Vault, fo going in I paid for my Beer, and went<br />

Home very well fetisfied with my Day's Work.<br />

I liv'd in great Splendor whilft this Moaey lafted,<br />

which was not a Month, but when it was gone I was<br />

put to my Shifts again, and going down Chancery-Lane<br />

o»e Morning betwixt three and four o'Clock, I had a<br />

Fancy to get into the Cbafi(erj Coffee-Hgufe, imagining<br />

to<br />


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