I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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the other two Stories, concerning my Mother and my<br />

Wife, and is without Senfe and Reafon, for no fuch<br />

Ihing could be done without my being brought to Ju-<br />

ftice, but what is it the World won't fay when a Man<br />

is under Affliftions ? I do not mind the Afperfions of<br />

the World as to my own Part, but this I do to right<br />

thofe who are any ways injur'd, which might be a great<br />

Prfjudice to the London V/ork-Jioufe, if i'uch a Thing<br />

was bcliev'd, by hind'riiig thofe good and pious Chri-<br />

ftiaiB from leaving Legacies to the faid Houfe ; and I<br />

Jiope thofe Pcrfons won't take any Notice of the Ru-<br />

mour and Clamour of the Publiek, which is entirely<br />

falfe and groundlefs as I am a dv'ing Man, and hope<br />

for Salvation thro' tlie Merits of my dear Saviour<br />

jtfas Chrift.<br />

He was executed at Tylnirn on Monday the 8th of<br />

March, i73r.<br />

The Behaviour and Confeffion of Mr. William<br />

Maynee, one of • the Clerks .pf the Bank<br />

of England, ixho ivas condemn'd for cheat-<br />

ing the Bank of 44.20 L<br />

E was about forty-eight Years of Age, born in<br />

the City of Canterbury, of honell refpefted Pa-<br />

rents, and had to his Godfather a great and worthy<br />

IJivine, whofe Footiteps if he had trJTced, he had never<br />

fallen into the Misfortunes of his Life. " His Father<br />

died and left him very young, when he was committed<br />

to the Care of an Uncle, then a worthy Clergyman in<br />

Hertfordjhire, and other Friends, who took fpecial Care<br />

of his Education. In his tender Years his Uncle kept<br />

him in the Country, but after his Death his Friencs<br />

cirry'd him into Kent, in both which Counties he w: s<br />

kept at good Schools as any in the Kingdom, and<br />


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