I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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I 1<br />

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die; ihe anfwer'd, it was only a Suit of Cloaths H^add<br />

had borrow'd of a Neighbour, which he was going to<br />

carry Home again.<br />

The 4th Day of March Mrs. Longmore going to vi-<br />

fit Mrs. Hayes, enquiring after her Hufband, fhe told<br />

her he was gone out to take a Walk, and aflting Mrs.<br />

Longmore what News, fhe told her, all the Talk was<br />

about the Man's Head that had been found at Wefimin-<br />

fier; (he feem'd to wonder very much at the Wicked-<br />

nefs of the Age, that could commit fuch barbarous<br />

Murders, telling her alfo, there was a Report in the<br />

Neighbourhood of a Woman who was juil found in the<br />

Fields, all mangled and cut to Pieces, to which Mrs.<br />

Longmore anfwer'd, fhe had not heard any Thing of fuch<br />

an Accident.<br />

On the 5 th o? March, Thomas Wood rtfatrCA to Town<br />

again to Mrs. Hayes's for fome Linnen, at which Time<br />

fhe gave him a pair of Shoes, a pair of Stockings, a<br />

Hat, and a Waiftcoat, which he knew to have been<br />

her Huiband's, and 5 s. in Money, and told him fhe<br />

would fupply him with Money when ever he wanted.<br />

She then told him her Hufband's Head had been found,<br />

and hpw it continu'd to be expos'd to View at JVefimm-<br />

fter, but that no Perfon had own'd it.<br />

March the 6th, till this Day the Head continu'd to<br />

be expos'd daily, but no Difcovery of the Murder be-<br />

ing made, the Officers of the Parifti confulted with Mr.<br />

Weftbrook a Surgeon, to have the fame preferv'd in Spi-<br />

rits, whereby it might be kept more intire, and the<br />

Features much better preferv'd t'lian otherwife, till a<br />

Difcovery could be made of the Murderers.<br />

This being refolv'd upon, Mr. Weftbrook took the<br />

Charge of the fame^ and having provided a proper Glafs<br />

and Spirits to contain it, the fame was put therein, and<br />

expos'd to the View of fuch Perfons as were defirous<br />

of feeing it. Notwithftanding ail their Endeavours to<br />

deteft the Authors of fuch a Piece of Barbarity, no<br />

Difcovery could be made, or any Light obtain'd where~<br />

by the Murderers could be detected.

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