I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 245 ]<br />

man ! on which I clapp'd Spurs to my Horfe, and<br />

ftruck up a Lane, where I was oblig'd to ride near five<br />

hundred Yards in a ftifF Slough ; when I came up to the<br />

further End of the Lane there was a very high Gate,<br />

which put me to a Nonplus, but knowing if I return'd<br />

I fliould be inevitably taken, broke thro' the Hedge,<br />

and rode thro' fome Fields, the lall: of which, juft as<br />

i vws going to enter into it, I faw my Purfuers waiting<br />

my coming, when turning Ihort, I found there was no<br />

Way of faving myfelf but by going down a very great<br />

Precipice, which with fome Difficulty I pailed, and got<br />

dear to Town, and at the End of Old-ftreet in Gofwel-<br />

ftreet, was fo unfortunate as to overtake the fame Chaife<br />

again, and with a great deal of Difficulty got clear of<br />

it again, they calling out High=wayman ! al! down OIJ-<br />

Jlreet, but could not overtake me, when I turn'd into<br />

the Dog-bar, and fo got into Town, and after having<br />

quitted my Horfe, met the Perfon on Foot that I had<br />

juft before robb'd, but believe he did not fee ine ; I<br />

flay'd at Home about ten Days, being a little indifpo-<br />

fed.<br />

My next Ride was the Endfield Road, part on Ac-<br />

count of my Health, tho' not without fome View of<br />

Bufinefs. I faunt'red about feveral Hours, and nothing<br />

came in my Way till dark, when I met the Endfield<br />

Stage Coach from London out of the Road to Buryfireet,<br />

I pafled it, but perceiving the Coach to ftop in croffing<br />

a little Brook to let the Horfes drink, when I turn'd<br />

back with my Mask on, and went into the watering<br />

Place to give my Horfe a little Water, and at the<br />

fame Time let the Paflengers know my Errand ; there<br />

was a Publick-houfe clofe to the Brook, where feveral<br />

People were at Nine-Pins for a Silver Cup, they foon<br />

perceiv'd what I was at, and immediately they all fur-<br />

rounded the Brook, thinking therafelves fuie of me ;<br />

but on firing a Piftol over their Heads, and at the fame<br />

Time pufhing my Horfe pretty briskly, eafily got clear<br />

of them.<br />

L3<br />


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