I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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made good Proficiency in Latin, Greek, Accompts, and<br />

Writing. When he was at Age he came to Londotf,<br />

and was bound Apprentice to a Wholefale Grocer in<br />

Watling-Jireet, and i'erv'd his Time honeftly, and with<br />

Approbation of his IVIafter. Afterwards he traded.for<br />

himfelf, and about this Time an Uncle dying in Ja-<br />

maica without Children, he went thither by Comniif-<br />

fion from his Mother, and recover'd to the Value of<br />

I 500 /. which he fent Home to her at London, and<br />

gain'd by trading there 5 or 600 /. for himfelf, befides<br />

the Recovery ot a Debt of 600 /. which he brought<br />

Home and deliver'd to his Mailer, having had a Power<br />

from him to that Purpofe; and having done all this<br />

Bufmefs, he return'd Home in the fame Ship in which<br />

he went oat. After which he fet up in Bijhopfgate-<br />

fireet, married a Wife with a good Fortune, and was<br />

in a very good Way of doing well, but after he had<br />

been married feveral Years, and had fome Children,<br />

certain fatal Differences happen'd betwixt him and his<br />

Wife ; (he was inexorable, and would by no means (as<br />

he faid) be reconciPd, upon this they made a volun-<br />

tary Separation, and fign'd mutual Letters of Releafe<br />

from one to another; but the Wife infilling upon his<br />

fulfilling of fome Agreement, he fold a Houfe or two,<br />

and paid her the Sum flie infilled upon, arid then he<br />

gave her a Paper under his Hand, that he would never<br />

feek after, nor have any Thing more to do with her<br />

direftly nor indireftly. Then he lef: the Town and<br />

went to Norfolk, intending to lead a Country Life ; and<br />

there he liv'd for fome Time privately, and at lafl get-<br />

ting acquainted with a Widow Gentlewoman of a good<br />

Fortune, he married her; but her Ellate not anfwer-<br />

ing all Demands, while he was in an unaftive Life, he<br />

then reinov'd to a little Country F.ftate of his own, and<br />

foilow'd firming for three Years, but not being ac-<br />

quainted v/ith thio fort of Bi'f n-fs, and having funk fo<br />

much of his o-.yn Money every Year, he refolv'd to<br />

th'ow up tiic Farm, ;.,.d once more try h.o Fortune at<br />

London, But his Wife could by no Means be perfuaded<br />


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