I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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I obferv'd to be very well dreiled, and therefore conclu-<br />

ded he had Money or other Valuables about him ; and .<br />

therefore turning back again, I knock'd him down im-<br />

mediately, and ritling his Pockets, took out a Gold<br />

Watch, thirty-five Guineas, and alfo took away a Sil-<br />

ver hiitcd Sword, his Hat and Wig, and carry'd off the<br />

fsme with me; the Gentleman as I was inform'd liv'd<br />

in Y'jrk-BuildmiJS.<br />

One Evening I went to xht7hree-Ttms in Felter-Lane,<br />

and calling for a Room, the Drawer ihew'd me up<br />

Stairs, where I order'd him to bring me a Tankard of<br />

Beer, which he did accordingly ; afterwards calling for<br />

a Quartern of Brandy, the fame was alfo brought me<br />

in a Silver Pot, foon after which I got out of the one<br />

fair of Stairs Window, bringing away with me both<br />

the Silver Tankard and Quartern Pot, and got ciF un-<br />

c'ifcover'd without paying the Reckoning.<br />

From a Publick Houfe in Ta'vijiockflreet, CcveKt-<br />

Carden, wliere I went in and called for a Tankard of<br />

Beer in the Evening, I went off with a Silver Tan-<br />

kard, but being foon miffed and clofely purfued, I had<br />

no other Method to efcape but by lying down in the<br />

middle of the Street fiat on my Belly, by which means<br />

and the Darknefs of the Night, they ran paft me in<br />

the Purfuit, and I got clear off.<br />

Belides thefc and many more fuch fort of Offences I<br />

was concern'd with one John Stone, in Coining Shil-<br />

lings, and Half-Crowns, which Bufmefs we follov

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