I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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tides, they all with one Confent refufed, then the Py-<br />

rate faid, Gentlemen, it's to no Purpofe to ufe more Words,<br />

advance, come up to the Deck; they all came to the<br />

Quarter-Deck, then the Captain called for a Quarto<br />

Bible and laid it on a Table, then the Captain went<br />

down to the Cabbin, and brought up a drawn Sword<br />

and a cock'd Piftol, the Piftol he gave to a Black, and<br />

faid to him, Whoever of thefe Men doth not vohat I com-<br />

mand him Jhoot him thro'' the Head, vihich if you don't<br />

do, ril Jiabyou dead thro' the Body ; and in Confirma-<br />

tion he added a Volley of monttrous hellilh Oaths ;<br />

then they open'd the Bible, and four Men were order'd<br />

to lay on each of them his Right Hand upon a Corner<br />

of the Book, and to fwear by God and the holy Evange-<br />

lifts, That they iK'Ould difcover no Secrets pertaining to the<br />

Ship the Good Fortune, and that they vjould to the ut-<br />

moft of their Ponjoer do every Thing contributing to the<br />

Good thereof, and faithfully lay open, in order to prevent<br />

all Plots and Confpiracies againft the faid Ship or Crenv.<br />

This was the Subftance of the Oath, and thirteen<br />

Men, which was the whole Ships Crew fwore it, four<br />

at a Time, while the Captain flood, holding the naked<br />

Cutlafs pointed to the Black's Breaft, and the Black<br />

holding the cock'd Piftol directed towards the Men, and<br />

faying, Sivear, fvaear Lads, Sign, fign, brave Boys,<br />

or elje Pll obey Orders. Then the Pyrate Captain faid,<br />

Inx-illnot force the Captain into the Service, but Fillet<br />

you go free Sir; but he added another Chain of dread-<br />

ful Oaths, If you don't advertife thefe thirteen Men as<br />

forc'd into our Service, and that they fgn'd the Articles<br />

agaivjl their Will, at the firft Port or I/land you come to,<br />

if ever I ?neet vjith you again, Pll cut you into fmall<br />

Co Hops.<br />

The Pyrates (he faid) fent fome of their Men on<br />

board the Ship they had taken, but the new Adventu-<br />

rers they kept on board their own Ship. Hallam ftaid<br />

only eleven Days with them, for he with one of his<br />

Ship Mates, pretending to go for fomething in a Boat,<br />

with Difficulty made their Efcape, and went to Marti-<br />

nko.<br />


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