I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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fet him known It, that if they were ill ufed it was not<br />

by his Order, that he would enquire into it, and that<br />

if any Thing was amifs it fliould be redtify'd ; with<br />

which the Seamen withdrew, feeming well fatisficd v.'ith-<br />

his Anfwer.<br />

About five the fame Evening they unmoord tiia<br />

Ship, and hove fhort upon their beil bower Anchor,<br />

expedling the Land Breeze, as is ufual on that Coalt,<br />

to carry them out to Sea ; bat inftead of that, it fell<br />

ftark Calm, and the Captain fearing the Ship fhould fall<br />

foul of her own Anchor, order'd the Mixen-top Sail tQ<br />

be furPd.<br />

Peierfin, one of the malecontent Seaffleii, being the<br />

neareft Man at Hand, feem'd to go about it, but mov'd<br />

fo carelefly and heavily, that it appear'd plainly he did<br />

not care whether it was done or no ; and partiailarly,<br />

as if he had a Mind the Captain fliculd fee it, and<br />

take Notice of it; and the Captain did fo, for perceiv-<br />

ing how awkardly he went about it, he fpoke a little<br />

tartly to him, and ask'd him, What luas the Reafon he<br />

did not fiir a little and furl the Seal?<br />

Peterfon, as if he had waited for the Queftion, an-<br />

fwer'd in a furly Tone, and. with a kind of Difdain, Si'<br />

as 'we eat, fo Jhall nue ivork : This he fpoke aloud fo<br />

as that he might be fure the Captain fhould hear hira,<br />

and the reft of the Men alfo ; and 'twas evident, thst<br />

as he fpoke in the Plural Number We, fo he fpoke"<br />

their Minds as well as his ov^n, and Words which they<br />

had all agreed to before.<br />

The Captain however, tho' he heard plain enough<br />

what he faid, took not the leafl Notice of it, or gave<br />

him the leall Room to believe he had heard him, be-<br />

ing not willing to begin a Quarrel with the Men, and<br />

knowing that if he took any Notice at all of it he muffc<br />

refent it and punifh it too.<br />

Soon after this the Calm went oiF, and the Land<br />

Breezefprung up, as is ufual on that Coaft, ard they<br />

immediately weigh'd and flood off to Sea ; bat the<br />

Captain having had thofe two Ruffles with his Men,<br />

F 4. . ]uft

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