I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 273 ]<br />

Mulberries, flie thanked me and faid. She loii'd them<br />

•very 'well, hut ivas afraidJhe jhould be feen by fomebody<br />

ivho njjoiid tell her Mijirefs, and defircd me to go aloig<br />

mid take no Notice of her ; upon which I went before,<br />

and waiting till fhe came up (in a Nurfery of O.iks<br />

which were pretty thick) I call'd her, and faid, If fie<br />

•would come in there and reft herfelf fie fioiild be 'welcome<br />

to eat as many as fie f leafed. She looking round and<br />

feeing no Body near, fhe c-;me in and fat down, and<br />

gave me fome Milk, and I fat down by her, and we<br />

began to be very gracious ; and after we had diverted<br />

ourfelves as long as I was able we parted, and I came<br />

to London, and went round the Bridge to my Grandfa-<br />

ther's Houfe at Stockiwelf, and getting in at the Win-<br />

dow, I took a Bottle of Brandy, fome Lemons, two or<br />

three Silver Tea Spoons, fome Heart-Cakes, and oth;r<br />

Trifles, and a great Coat which my Father had bor-<br />

rowed, he being in the Houfe that Night, but the old<br />

Man being very ill, had a Woman to fit up with him,<br />

who hearing the Noife which I made in getting out<br />

again, look'd out of the Window and faw me ; where-<br />

upon fhe called my Father up, and told him that fome<br />

body was in the Houfe, but I in the mean Time made<br />

off, and before my Father came down I was got a pretty<br />

Way off; however he overtook me juft by the Water<br />

Side, and was going to bring me back to Simpfon again ;<br />

bat I faying that I wou'd fooner be hang'd than go to<br />

him, telling him, that it was becaufe I had been ufcd<br />

fo when I was fick, and difguifmg the Prank I play'd in<br />

taking the Man's Cloaths, he took me Home once<br />

again, to my great Satisfadlion ; for notwithftanding I<br />

could not take the Liberties at Home which I could<br />

Abroad, yet I was eafieft in my Mind.<br />

I continued at Home very traftable for about nine<br />

Weeks, and my Brother and I at Chriftmas v/ent to<br />

our Cuflomers Houfes to pay them the ufual Compli-<br />

ments, and got above a Guinea, of which we had 11 s.<br />

remaining on Nfw-Tears Eve. My Father had order'd<br />

my Brother to keep the Money, and lie wou'd divide it<br />

M 3 betwixt<br />


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