I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[24]<br />

"coQrfcj^feem'd to refleft upon her Hu/band's unkind<br />

Ufage of her, which furpriz'd Mr. Langmore more than<br />

all Ihe had faid to him before, and ftrenthen'd his Suf-<br />

picion, by Reafon fhe had always before given him the<br />

beft of Charafters, for a moft indulgent and tender Hu-<br />

fband. He then took his Leave of her, and returning<br />

hack to his Friend -^Jhhy, upon their comparing their<br />

feveral Accounts together, there appear'd very great<br />

Reafon to judge of fome unfair Praftices towards Mr.<br />

Hayes; they refolv'd-to go together to Mr. Eaton a<br />

Life-Guard Man, who was alfo an Acquaintance of his,<br />

and accordingly went to enquire for him, intending he<br />

Ihould have gone to her likewife, to have heard what<br />

Account flie would give him.<br />

They went to feveral Places to fee for him, but mif-<br />

fing of him, they went down to Weftminfter to fee the<br />

Head at Mr. Wefihrook'i; when' they arriv'd^ there, he<br />

inform'd them that the Head had been pwn'd by a<br />

Vv'^oman from Kingfland, who believ'd it to be her Huf-<br />

band's, but was not pofitive enough to fwear to it, the'<br />

the Circumllances were ftrong, he having been miffing<br />

from the Day before the Head was found, but they de-<br />

;liring to fee it, Mr. Jphy went up Stairs firft to look<br />

upon it, and coming down again, inform'd Mr. Long-<br />

more he really believ'd it to be Hayeses Head ; upon<br />

which Mr. LongTnore then went up to fee the fame, and<br />

examining it more exaftly than Mr. AJhhy had done,<br />

confirm'd him in his Sufpicion.<br />

They then went back to fee for Mr. Eaton, and<br />

meeting with him at Home, told him their Sufpicion,<br />

and the Reafons thereof, and defired him to go along<br />

with them to make farther Enquiry into .the Affair.<br />

Eaton invited them to ttay to Dinner with him, which<br />

at firft they confented to, but afterwards changing their<br />

Minds, ihey all went down to Longmore'i Houfe, where<br />

they repeated their Sufpicions, not only of Mr. Hayes's<br />

having been murder'd (that, they were on Sight of<br />

the Head fully fatisfy'd of) but alfo that his Wife was<br />

privy to the fame ; a'^d in order to obtain a more fa-<br />


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