I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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The Copy of Mr, Gordon'j Letter to his Son.'<br />

Dear ChiM,<br />

* A ^ ^ Misfortunes which my own Follies and in-<br />

' f\, corrigible Vices have drawn upon me, will the'<br />

' contrary to all Reafon, refleft on you in all Probabi-<br />

* lity, fo it is but juft that I Ihould make this unfor-<br />

' tunate Death of fome Uie to you, by making it in-<br />

' force my Directions. Remember therefore what I ad-<br />

' vife you to as a Father, and remember that your Fa-<br />

' ther died Ihamefully for not keeping to the Pradlice of<br />

' them himfelf.<br />

'Keep conftantly to your Duty as a Chriftian, apply<br />

* yourfelf earneftly to God for Grace, who is ever<br />

' ready to hear thofe who call unfeignedly on his holy<br />

' Name; flip no Opportunity of publick Prayer, but<br />

' be ever ready to hear Sermons, and wherever you can<br />

' be fure of hearing your Duty explain'd and recomend-<br />

' ed, fo fliall you be out of the Road of Temptation,<br />

' and avoiding the Paths of Sin, remain unacquainted<br />

* with Shame. Piety will not only reward thee with<br />

' an eternal Crown hereafter, but will alfo preferve thee<br />

' from all Danger here. Serve God therefore, and love<br />

' thy Neighbour, nor doubt that he will raife thee in his<br />

' appointed Seafon, and that they ftiall honour and re-<br />

' fpe6l thee.<br />

' Honefty is a Rule from which you muil not part,<br />

*«ither for the fal|e.-.of attaining Riches, or avoiding<br />

* little InconvenietiS^i*^eck: yourfelf in the fmalleft<br />

* Tranlgreffion of this kind, andvthink how fatal this<br />

' Negleft has been in me. If .you are careful and in-<br />

' duftrious. Providence will provide Means for your Sub-<br />

' Hftance, therefore live in a manner fuitable to your<br />

''*"f'^ Circumilances, and avoid fuch idle Pleafares as bring<br />

' on

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