I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[211]<br />

eut, and fay, How can you ahvays ajk me thefe anifuch<br />

like ^eftions ? and in a particular manner when he was<br />

aficed, Whether his Companion Page was an Accom-<br />

plice with him, either in the AfFair of the Watches, or<br />

any other ? he reply'd, That if he kne'w, he ixould gi've<br />

no direSi Jnfiuer, thinking it to be a Crime in him to<br />

deteft the Guilty.<br />

It was thought ncceflary by the Keepers to remove<br />

him from the Condemn'd-Hold to a Place called the<br />

Caftle, in the Body of the Gaol, and to chain him down<br />

to two large Iron Staples in the Floor, the Concourfe of<br />

People of tolerable Fafhion to fee him was exceeding<br />

great, and he was always chearf ul and pleafant to a De-<br />

gree, as turning almoft every Thing as was faid into a<br />

Jeft and Banter.<br />

Being one Sunday at the Chapel, a Gentleman be-<br />

longing to my Lord-Mayor, afked a Turnkey, Which<br />

nvas Sheppard? The Man pointed to him. Says Shep-<br />

pard. Yes Sir, I am the Sheppard, and all the Gaolers<br />

in ToiAin are my Flock, and I cannot Jiir into the Country,<br />

hut they are all at my Heels handling after me, &c.<br />

He told Mr. Robins the City Smith, That he procured<br />

hi/n a /mall fobb, and that ivhoe'ver it nvas that put the<br />

Spikes on the Condemn'd-Hold luas an honefi Man, for<br />

a better Piece of Metal, fays he, / ne'ver nvrought upon<br />

in my Life.<br />

He was loth to believe his frequent Robberies were<br />

an Injury to the Publick, for he ufed to fay. That if<br />

they 'were ill its one RefpeSi, they ixere as goad in ano-<br />

ther, and that tho" he cared not for ^working much him-<br />

filf^ y^t he nvas defirous that others Jhould not Jiand idle,<br />

more efpecially thofe of his onvtt Trade, 'who nuere ahvays<br />

repairing his Breaches.<br />

When ferious, and that but feldom, he would refleft<br />

on his paft wicked Life ; he declared to us, that for<br />

fevcral Years of his Apprenticelhip, he had an utter<br />

Abhorrence to Women of the Town, and ufed to pelt<br />

them with Dirt when they have fell in his Way, till a<br />

Button-mould-makir, his next Neighbour, left off that<br />


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