I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ i67]<br />

VI. Whoever offends fliall be punlfh'd with Death,<br />

or otherwife, as we ftiall find proper for our Inte-<br />

refl.<br />

N. B. This Draught of Articles feems to be imper-<br />

feft, and as it were only begun to be made, for that<br />

there were feveral ethers intended to be added, but it<br />

was fuppofed, that their Affairs growing defperate, their<br />

Long Boat gone, and the Boatfwain and Boat's Crew in<br />

the Pinnace or fmaller Boat gone alfo, and made Pri-<br />

foners, there was no more need of Articles, nor would<br />

any Body be bound by them if they were made ; fo<br />

the farther making of Orders and Articles were let<br />

alone.<br />

Thefe that were made were written with Go-iv'i own<br />

Hand, and 'tis fuppofed, that the reil would have<br />

been done fo too, and then he would have taken Care<br />

to have them executed; but he foon found there was<br />

no Occafion for them, and I make no Quellion but all<br />

their other Papers and Articles of any kind were de^<br />

ftroy'd.<br />

Being now all fecur'd, and in Cuftody in the moft<br />

proper Places in the Ifland, Mr. Fea took Care to give<br />

Notice to the proper Officers in the Country, and by<br />

them to the Government of Edinburgh, in order to get<br />

Help for the carrying them to England. The Diflancj<br />

being fo great, this took up fome Time, for the Go-<br />

vernment at Edinburgh being not immediately concern'd<br />

in it, but rather the Court of Admiralty of Great-Bri'<br />

tain, ExprefTes were difp.itch'd from thence to London,<br />

that his Majeity's Pleafure might be known; in return<br />

to which. Orders were difpatch'd into Scotland to have<br />

them immediately fent up to England, with as much<br />

Expedition as tiie Cafe would admit ; and accordingly<br />

they were brought up by L'lnd to Edinburgh firft, and<br />

from thence being put on Board the Greyhound Frigate,<br />

thsy were brougiu by Sea to England.<br />


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