I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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112 ]<br />

no difficult Matter, as his Head was always adied.<br />

Accordingly I addrefled him in a very fociabie man-<br />

ner, Pry thee Will, {aid I, nvhy Jhould you and I fall out,<br />

j: ill I I _ your Mother and I never difagreed in all our Lives, ft<br />

dovjn, take thy Glafs, /moke thy Pipe, and be good Com-<br />

pany ; if I have any ivays offended you in W^ord or Deed,<br />

P11 beg your Pardon viith all my Heart.<br />

Ail this one would think might pacify any reafonable<br />

Perfon; but he ftill grumbled in his Gizzard, andmut-<br />

ter'd out. No, Mr. Everett, Pll neither drink mr fmoak<br />

'with fuch a Perfon as you are, for IJhall never forget<br />

ivhat you were pleafed to fay when you ivas committed to<br />

Newgate with Mr. Bambridge, that you Jhould live to<br />

fee me hanged.<br />

Come, come, faid I, (fill cool and -patient) I own<br />

^ttvas an indecent ExpreJJion, and only Jpoke in the Heat<br />

cf PaJJion ; I heartily beg your Pardon, and as you pro-<br />

fefs yourfelf a Chrifiian Will, fou Jhould firget and for ^<br />

give.<br />

In fliort by my good Conduft, and the Interpoiition<br />

of a paciiying Word now and then of his Motiier's, J<br />

prevaiPd at laft on my young boill'rous Booby to fit<br />

down and be eafy.<br />

I did not doubt now but my Projeft would prove fuc-<br />

cefsful, and by plying him clofe with Bumper after<br />

Bumper, and a little forc'd Mirth, I foon made him as<br />

drunk as a Swab; in a quarter of an Hoar he /lept like<br />

a Top, and fnoar'd louder than the Fall of London-<br />

Bridge at Low Water. Upon this I rang the Bell,<br />

without any Danger of interrupting his Golden Slum-<br />

bers, and order'd the Drawer to call a Coach, whidi<br />

the Fellow did accordingly with all the Expedition I<br />

could wilh ,• upon which I difcharg'd the Reckoning,<br />

tipp'd him a Tefter, and gave him llrift Orders to let<br />

my Companion take his Nap out.<br />

! hereupon I hugg'd my dear Widow under my Arm,<br />

handed her into the Cosch, and away we jogg'd to a<br />

dillant Booking-Ken to conclude our Amours^ which had<br />

been fo unhappily interrupted. J pJay'd the Part of a<br />


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