I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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t 49 1<br />

Having thus done, they all went out of Doors again,.<br />

and that the Neighbourhood might fuppofe the firing<br />

the Piftol to have been done without any ill Intention,<br />

Ble-vjitt fired another in the Street over the Tops of the<br />

Houfes, faying aloud, fhey luere got fafe into ToiL-tt, and<br />

there ivas no Danger of meeting ivith any Rogues no-tv.<br />

Ball attempted to get as far as the Door but in vain, for<br />

he dropp'd immediately, and died in a few Minutes<br />

afterwards.<br />

Having thus executed their barbarous Defign, they<br />

went down direftly towards the Faulcon, intending to<br />

crofs the Water back again; by the Way they accideri •<br />

tally met with Higgs, who was making to the Water-<br />

Side likewife, him they fell upon, and rated for a pufil-<br />

animous cowardly Dog, and Bumiuorth propofcd it to<br />

the Company to (hoot their old Comrade Hipgs, be-<br />

caufe he had deferted them in their late Expedition ;<br />

which he would have done, had not Marjoram interpos'd,<br />

and pleaded for the fparing his Life.<br />

From the faulcon Stairs they crofled the Water to<br />

Pig-Stairs, and refolved to go to the Boa>^%-Ilejd Ta-<br />

vern in Smithjield, they not being thcie known, and at<br />

, a Diftance from the V7ater Side, in Cafe any Purfmt<br />

fliould be made after them ; at which Place they conti-<br />

n'j'd till near Ten o'Clock, when they feparated thera-<br />

felves into Parties for that Night, in Purfuit of their<br />

old Trade.<br />

This Murder made them more cautious of appearing<br />

in Publick, and Ble-zuitt, Berry, and Dickenfon, foon<br />

after fet out for Harimch, and went qyer in the Packet-<br />

Boat from thence to Hehoetjluice ; and Higgs fome little<br />

Time afterwards fhipp'd himfelf on Board the Monmouth<br />

at Spithead ; nothwithllanding wliich, he was difcover'J<br />

in tills manner: His Brother here in Tov/n having<br />

wrote a Letter to him, gave it to a Ship's Mate to<br />

carry with him to Spithead; he accidentally falling in-<br />

to Company with one Jrthur, a Watchman belonging<br />

to St. Sepulchre's Parifh, who knowing Higgs to have<br />

been a Companion of .5Kr»ivwY/^'s, ^c. acquainted Mr.<br />

VOL. n. C De-

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