I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 191 ]<br />

On Eafier-Monday laft, towards the Evening, calling<br />

at the 7hree Moor-Cocks in Chelfea~Fields, (by myfelf)<br />

for a Pint of Beer, I unluckily happen'd to go into the<br />

Room where Mr. Ormes the Deceafed w&s, with his<br />

Friendi?, all Strangers to me, and all of them feem'd to<br />

be much in Liquor ; and fome of them talking very<br />

profanely, I took the Liberty to reprove them, at which<br />

the V/ife of the Deceafed was very angry, and ufed<br />

me with a great deal of ill Manners, and gave me very<br />

abufive Language, and prompted Mr. Ormcs her Hus-<br />

band to quarrel with me, and her Expreflion was to<br />

knock my Brains out, with feveral other indecent Ex-<br />

prefiions, unbecoming her Sex, upon which I paid my<br />

Reckoning, and was going out of their Company, but<br />

to my great Surprize, Mr. Ormes pufh'd me out of<br />

Doors, and purfued me feven or eight Yards, giving me<br />

feveral Blows \v\t\i his Cane, which at laft obliged me<br />

to draw my Sword in my own Defence, not with any<br />

Intention to kill the Deceafed, but only to make him<br />

defift from abufing me ; but the Deceafed ftill purfuing<br />

me with his Blows, the unlucky Accident happen'd,<br />

for which I am immediately going to fufFer Death.<br />

I had no premeditated Defign againft the Deceafed,<br />

he being an utter Stranger to me, having never feen<br />

him before.<br />

Mrs. Middleton, the Landlady of the Houfe was in<br />

the Cellar when I went out of the Houfe, and fo could<br />

not poffibly fee whether Mr. Ormes ftruck me or not,<br />

tho' fhe fwore to the contrary, and likewife gave a falfe<br />

Defcription of the Ground, to difcredit the Evidence of<br />

Mr. Bell, who appeared as an Evidence for me, for<br />

which I pray Almighty God to forgive her, as I do<br />

the reft of the Evidences that were then in Company,<br />

who I think aggravated Matters to the Court.<br />

As for Mr. Bell, he was an utter Stranger to me,<br />

I never having fcen him to my Knowledge till the<br />

Time of my Trial, he coming voluntarily to declare<br />

the Truth, which was to the lame Effeft as I have al-<br />

ready related, as to the Deceafed's following and ftrik-<br />


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