I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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Gentlemen, whether any fuch Perfons as defcribed h<br />

tlie Proclamation, had been feen in Rotterdam ; and un-<br />

derftanding there had, he immediately applied to the<br />

Sates-GeneralzX. the Hague, and by their Dircftion to<br />

the Lords of Rotterdam, obtained an Order for the fe-<br />

curing of them any where within the ProviffCe.<br />

The Meflenger coming by Virtue of the faid Order,<br />

and with the Affiftance of the Schools Denairs, or She-<br />

riffs-Officers, feized Bktvit at the Hamburgh-Arms in<br />

Rotterdam ; liis Companions Dickenfon and. Berry were<br />

juft before gone on Ship-board, and had left Rotterdam,<br />

but Bk-wit was carried to the Stadthoufe-Prifon in Rot-<br />

terdam, and the Officers went in Purfuit of his Compa-<br />

nions to the Brill, where the Veflel not being cleared ,<br />

out. they feized them both, and brought them back to<br />

Rotterdam, where they were very ftrongly hand cufF'd,<br />

iron'd, and confined in the Stadthoufe with their Friend<br />

BJeivit, where we will leave them for a little Time, to<br />

give fome Account of.<br />

Emanuel Dickenfon, who was born of very lionefl Pa-<br />

rents, but his Father dying whilft he was very yowig,<br />

J;e had Liberty to follow thofe Courfes his vicious In-<br />

clinations led him to; and his Mother not having<br />

wherewith to fupport at fuch extravagant Rates,, him,<br />

Iiis Brother, and three Sifters, was obliged to fubmit to<br />

their taking fuch Courfes as end in Ruin and Mifery ;<br />

one of his Sifters was at that Time in Woodflreet-Comp-<br />

ter, the reft are difperfed up and down in different<br />

Parts. He began very early to keep vicious and pro-<br />

fligate Company, by whom he was induc'd to praftiee<br />

the Trade of picking Pockets, l^c. for eight Years<br />

paft. He was once convifted for fnatching a Gentle-<br />

man's Hat off of his Head in the Strand, for which<br />

Faft he fhould have been tranfported; but whilft he<br />

lay uader Conviiflion for this Crime, his Mother pro-<br />

cured a free Pardon for him, upon an AUedging that<br />

he was the Son of a Gentleman who had a cenfidera-<br />

ble Poft in the Army ; but he foon returned to his old<br />

Courfes, and continued to herd with fuch Acquaintance<br />


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