I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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C 103 1<br />

(lie Robbery for which I am now condemnM for,NTO.sCom-'<br />

mitted as generous a one, and with as much Civility anA<br />

good Manners fhewn to the Lady Manly and Daughter,'<br />

as Things of that Nature admits of, for the Lady was<br />

not infulted in the Stile that is common to he fpol^e on<br />

foch Occafions. I was not under the Fear or Apprehenfions<br />

of being taken, altho' I was guilty, I muft confefs<br />

I fliou'd be cautious and take the necefary Means<br />

to preferve my Life ; bat the various Circumftances of'<br />

this Robbery having been inferted at larg« in raoft of<br />

the publick Papers, I was informed by feveral Butchers<br />

of my Acquaintance, that the whole Neighbourhood<br />

fufpefted me as concern'd in that Robbery.<br />

At laft however, a certain Perfon who dwelt in the<br />

Neighbourhood of Neiugate-Market refolv'd to ruin ms<br />

jif poflible, and without any legal Warrant, Power or'<br />

Authority, whatfoever to fecurc me, clandeftlncly procured<br />

feveral other Confederates to affift him, and ti •<br />

fefted by Stratagem what he dreaded to attempt by oper;<br />

Force ; a generous Enemy may be guarded againft, but<br />

there is no avoiding the treacherous Dcfigns of a periidioustriend.<br />

In order to accomplifli this his Schenu',<br />

£e fent for me to the Red-Hart iv. Foye-jlreet, by a fpecial<br />

Meffenger under the fpecious Pretence of Buiinefs of<br />

the utmoft Importance, I went to him, to be let into<br />

the weiglity Secret. Soon after I had enter'd the<br />

Pafiiige of the Ale-houfe, which is long and dark, the<br />

lurking Perfon flruck at me with a Dagger, which he<br />

had conceal'd in his Bofom, but by more Accident tlian<br />

Art I warned off the Blow ; and as any Man of the<br />

leaft Courage or Refolution would in the like Cafe,<br />

dofed him and leiz'd him by the Throat, but whillt I<br />

was thus warmly engag'd with an arm'd Antagonilt in<br />

my own Defence, and with one whom I could not fee,<br />

two of his Affociates barbaroufly with Bludgeon* feli'd<br />

me to the Ground, and then fecur'd me.<br />

This Perfon likewife in order to haften my End, as<br />

foon as I was thus taken into Cufiody, mad'e it his Builners<br />

to find out Mr. Manly, whofe Lady had been<br />

E 4 robb'd.

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