I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ HS ]<br />

iity they were in of careening and cleaning their Ship ;<br />

that it was too long a Run for them to go to the South-<br />

ward, and that they had not Provifions to ferve them<br />

till they could reach to any Place proper for that Pur-<br />

pofe, and might be driven to the utmoft Diftrefs, if<br />

they (hould be put by from Watering, either by Wea-<br />

ther or Enemies.<br />

Alfo he told them, if any of the Men of War came<br />

out in Search of them, they would never imagine they<br />

were gone away to the Northward, fo that their Run<br />

that Way was perfeftly fecure : And he could aflure<br />

them of his own Knowledge, that if they landed in<br />

fuch Places as he fhould direft, they could not fail of a<br />

confiderable Booty in plund'ring fome Gentlemen's<br />

Houfes, who liv'd fecure and unguarded very near the<br />

Shore : And that tho' the Country fiiould be alarm'd,<br />

yet before the Governm.ent could fend any Man of<br />

War to attack them, they might clean their Ship, l?y<br />

in a fiore of frefh Provifions, and be gone j and be-<br />

fides that, they would get a good many ftout Fellows to<br />

go along with them, upon his Encouragement; fo that<br />

they fhould be better Mann'd than they were yet, and<br />

ftould be ready againft all Events.<br />

Thefe Arguments, and their approaching Fate con-<br />

curring, had a fufficient Influence on the Ship's Com-<br />

pany to prevail on them to confent .• So they made the<br />

beft of their Way to the Northward, and about the<br />

middle of JdiiKary they arriv'd at Carrijioan, in the<br />

Ifles of Orkney, and came to an Anchor in a Place which<br />

(?o^^; told them was fafe riding under the Lee of a fmall<br />

Ifland at fome Diftance from the Port.<br />

Gonij being now fole Direftor, as well as Commander<br />

of the Ship, call'd them all together, to tell them whtt<br />

Account they fhould give of theinfelves, when th> y<br />

came to converfe with any of the People of the Iflan(,<br />

that they might agree in their Story, and give no Cau %<br />

of Sufpicion ; and 'tis moft certain, that had they been<br />

careful to cbferve his Direftion.c, and net betray'd and<br />

expos'd therafelves, they might have palTed undifcover'd,<br />


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